You can read and download these books for free:
- If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents
- Si su hijo tartamudea: Una guia para los padres — Spanish translation of If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents
- The Teacher Who Made a Difference by Corinne M. Litzenberg
- Advice to Those Who Stutter by 28 therapists who stutter themselves.
- Trouble at Recess by Jamie Spanish version
- Sometimes I Just Stutter by Eelco de Geus
- Self-Therapy for the Stutterer by Malcolm Fraser
- The Child Who Stutters: To the Pediatrician by Barry Guitar, Ph.D., and Edward G. Conture, Ph.D.
- Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teachers
- Stuttering: Its Nature and Management by Courtney Stromsta, Ph.D.
- My Very Own: I can Do It Storybook! Starring Me by Julie Raynor
- The Girl Who Stutters by Mia J., Rebecca D., and Casey W.
- Pages 77-81 from Stuttering: Successes and Failures by Joseph Sheehan
- The Stuttering Little Ballet Boy by Sohel Bagai
Also see Translations