0005: School-Age Child Who Stutters: Working Effectively With Attitudes and Emotions
     This valuable workbook, written by experienced speech-language pathologist Kristin Chmela, M.A., in collaboration with Nina Reardon, M.S., and edited by Lisa Scott, Ph.D., offers you a powerful tool for stuttering diagnostics and therapy, focusing exclusively on assessing and treating feelings and beliefs in school-age children. ASHA CEUs available for both this workbook, #0005, and Book #0014 at www.stutteringCEUS.org

     Numerous strategies for helping children make positive changes in their feelings and beliefs are presented.
     Examples from real children are included throughout the workbook, and the final chapter integrates assessment and treatment examples from four children.
     It contains practical, concrete ideas for documenting present levels of feelings and beliefs, their contribution to the overall problem, and strategies to achieve change and document therapy outcomes. Reproducible pages throughout the book. A must for any SLP library! 192 pages

     ...This workbook provides a lot of hands-on things to do in treatment. The handouts are wonderful! Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., University of Iowa

If you like this product, you may also like Book #0014 Treating the School-Age Child Who Stutters: A Guide for Clinicians by Carl Dell, Ph.D.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $30.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0008: Alan Rabinowitz for National Stuttering Awareness Week
     Explorer, author, and wildlife conservationist Alan Rabinowitz has discovered new species and hidden worlds. That's because he didn't let stuttering become the end of his.
     Alan knows that when the goal is worth achieving, nothing is beyond reach.
     Discover what you can do about stuttering and open up your world.
     This poster is ideal for classrooms and clinics.
12" x 18"
Unit Cost: $3.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0009: Advice to Those Who Stutter, 158 pages
     This is a remarkable book of therapy advice. What makes it unique is that every article has been written by men and women who stutter themselves.
     Each of them has been `through the mill' and knows what it is to have experienced the fear, anxiety, and despair which is so often the lot of those who stutter.
     Each specializes in the treatment of stuttering and each relates what he or she believes will help you. Twenty-eight specialists including Van Riper, Sheehan, Breitenfeldt, Ramig, Molt, Quesal, Manning, St. Louis, Rentschler, Starbuck, Gregory, Sheehan,and many more. 158 pages. Also available in Spanish. See book #0026.

    "I use this book in my class and in my stuttering program. The chapters are highly personal. They give advice but are also highly motivating. I find adults who stutter are really encouraged by it!" Diane Hill, Northwestern University

If you like this product, you may also like the Book #0012 Self-Therapy for the Stutterer by Malcolm Fraser.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Books
0010: Therapy for Those Who Stutter
     Outlines a program for speech clinicians working with adults or older teens. Written by leading speech-language pathologists who specialized in stuttering. Dr. Harold Starbuck's chapter on motivation is a classic. 120 pages.

     ...The Van Riper chapter is such a succinct description of the steps you use for intermediate to advanced level stuttering. It gives great examples.
Barry Guitar, Ph.D., University of Vermont
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0011: If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents 8th edition 64 pages
     This all new revised 8th edition is written for parents who are concerned about the speech of their young child. The goals of this book are to help you distinguish between normal disfluencies and stuttering and to enable you to begin working with your child with a better understanding of the problem.
     The Risk Factors Chart helps the reader determine whether or not stuttering is likely to become a serious problem.
     An authoritative, understandable book for parents, it includes what to expect in an evaluation and information on how to obtain insurance reimbursement for stuttering treatment. It is often used as a supplement to clinical treatment.
     This book represents the thoughts of many experts in the field of stuttering, all of whom attach great importance to early intervention in prevention of stuttering in the young child.
     Other contributors: Drs. Edward G. Conture, Carl Dell, David Prins, Harold Starbuck, C. Woodruff Starkweather, Charles Van Riper, and Dean Williams. Revised 8th edition 2012. 64 pages. Also available in Spanish. See book #0015.

    This is an excellent basic source of information, clearly written and very affordable.
Diane Hill, M.A., Northwestern University

If you like this product, you may also like the 30-minute DVD #0073 Stuttering and Your Child: Help for Parents.
Unit Cost: $15.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Books
0012: Self-Therapy for the Stutterer, 192 pages. 11th edition
    This exciting 11th edition is written to and for the many adults and teens who stutter.
     It states confidently that as a person who stutters, you do not need to surrender helplessly to your speech difficulty because you can change the way you talk.
     You can learn to communicate with ease rather than with effort. There is no quick and easy way to tackle the problem, but with the right approach, self-therapy can be effective.
     This edition outlines a self-therapy program which describes what the person who stutters can do to tackle the problem and work towards better communication. It is often used as a supplement to clinical treatment. 11th edition 2010. 192 pages. Also available in Spanish. See book #0025.

     Writes Charles Van Riper, Ph.D., about this book:
    There are always some who stutter who are unable to get professional help and others who do not seem to be able to profit from it. There are some who prefer to be their own therapist. In this book, Malcolm Fraser has provided guidance for those who must help themselves. Knowing well from his own experience as a stutterer the difficulties of self-therapy, he outlines a series of objectives and challenges that should serve as a map for the person who is lost in the dismal swamp of stuttering and wants to find a way out.

If you like this product, you may also like the Book #0009 Advice to Those Who Stutter.

This book was the turning point in overcoming my stuttering. D.S. in Florida
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Books
0013: 25 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was 20
Poster - 25 Things I Wish I Had Known When I was 20.
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: Other / Posters
0014: Treating the School Age Child Who Stutters: A Guide for Clinicians. 3rd edition
This outstanding book describes how speech-language pathologists can work effectively with school-age children who stutter. Sample dialogues and helpful tools included. Also included are Tips for Teachers and Tips for Talking With Your Child. 112 pages It is a gem. It teaches the clinician how to talk to the child who stutters and go through a progression of steps that teaches the child to improve his attitudes and change his behavior. Barry Guitar, Ph.D., University of Vermont

This book provides one of the best dialogues for the working clinician. It reflects the author's rich clinical experience and knowledge. I think it is the best thing out there on stuttering in terms of teaching stuttering modification approach for children. Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado

    See offer #9014 for Continuing Education materials offering .4 CEUs or 4 Contact Hours.

If you like this product, you may also like the workbook #0005 The School-Age Child Who Stutters: Working Effectively With Attitudes and Emotions by Kristin Chmela, M.A. and Nina Reardon, M.S.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0015: Si su hijo tartamudea: Una guia para los padres, 54 paginas
     Este libro es el pensamiento mas actualizado de siete autoridades en la materia. Todos le dan gran impotancia a la intervencion temprana en la prevencion de la tartamudez en el nino pequeno.
     En este libro, Usted encontrara respuestas a la preguntas mas frecuentes de los padres sobre la tartamudez de su hijo. Estas respuestas le capacitaran a Usted, como lector, para trabajar con el nino de una forma positiva, y por consiguiente a contribuir significativamente al desarrollo saludable y normal de la fluidez. 64 paginas
Unit Cost: $10.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Books
0016: Stuttering: An Integration of Contemporary Therapies, 5th edition
     This 5th edition by Barry Guitar, Ph.D., explains how speech-language pathologists can combine the different but most commonly used treatment procedures to get more effective results in working with those of all ages.
     The A-19 scale and scoring instructions are included. A clear and concise look at fluency shaping and stuttering modification approaches.
     References updated. 80 pages.

    See offer #9016 for continuing education materials (3 Contact Hours or .3 CEUs) to accompany this book.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0017: Mon enfant begaie-t-il? Un guide pour les parents, 44 pages
     Ce petit livre vous est destine si l'elocution de votre enfant vous inquiete.
     Ce document est base sur les travaux des meilleures specialistes du begaiement qui ont participe a sa redaction. Tous accordent une grande importance a l'amelioration des moyens de prevention du begaiement chez le jeune enfant.
     Vous y trouverez les moyens d'aider votre enfant tout de suite.
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Books
0018: Effective Counseling in Stuttering Therapy
     Effective counseling is an integral part of stuttering therapy, regardless of the age of the client or the severity of the problem. This new book helps the clinician have a better understanding of the counseling aspect of therapy and suggests ways to use it effectively.
     Each chapter can stand alone as a resource for the specific population to which it refers; read in its entirety, the book provides a more complete understanding of the overall counseling process.
     This book includes chapters by Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., University of Iowa; Barry Guitar, Ph.D., University of Vermont; Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder; and Diane Hill, M.A., Northwestern University. Classic chapters by Drs. Eugene Cooper, Hugo H. Gregory, Joseph Sheehan, Charles Van Riper and Dean Williams are included with introductory comments on their influential contributions to the field of stuttering. 108 pages.

...This book provides a good perspective on counseling both the individual and the family on the process of change. I like Dean Williams' chapter on how to talk to a child about talking. Diane Hill, M.A., Northwestern University
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0019: Stuttering Therapy: Transfer and Maintenance
     The real challenge for every speech-language pathologist working with those who stutter is to carry out therapy in such a way that progress made in the clinical situation - be it that of increased fluency or modified speech and attitudes - is transferred to real life situations.
     This book discusses in depth the crucial role of transfer and maintenance and how they may be used to promote long lasting therapy results. Your clinical effectiveness will be enhanced by careful consideration of the goals and processes described by these authors: Edward G. Conture, Ph.D.; Hugo H. Gregory, Ph.D.; Einer Boberg, Ph.D.; Elisabeth Versteegh-Vermeij; Joseph Sheehan, Ph.D.; William H. Perkins, Ph.D.
112 pages.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0021: Do You Stutter: A Guide for Teens, 4th edition, 72 pages
     Because you are a teen and because you sometimes stutter, some problems are uniquely yours.
     This book is written to and for you in the hope of helping you solve some of these problems. Also included is a list of myths about stuttering.
     Each chapter is written by a specialist in the field of stuttering. You may be interested to know that many of them have stuttered themselves. All agree that there is a lot you can do to improve the quality of your life.
     4th edition 2008. 72 pages. Also available in Spanish. See book #0030.

If you like this product, you may also like the 30-minute DVD #1076 Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teens.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Books
0022: Stuttering and Your Child: Questions and Answers, 5th edition, 60 pages
     Updated in 2015, this book represents the current thinking of seven leading authorities in the field of stuttering. All believe that early intervention is crucial in the prevention of stuttering in young children.
     You will find answers to the questions most often asked by parents who are concerned about stuttering and their child. These answers will enable you, the parent, to work with your child in ways that contribute significantly to the healthy and normal development of fluency. Also included are tips for parents and teachers.
     This book is a must for parents, teachers, and all those wanting to help the child who stutters. It is often used as a supplement to clinical treatment. 60 pages.
     Chapters written by Lois Nelson, Ph.D.; Dean Williams, Ph.D.; Richard Curlee, Ph.D.; William Perkins, Ph.D.; Barry Guitar, Ph.D.; and Edward G. Conture, Ph.D.
Unit Cost: $15.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Books
0023: The Child Who Stutters: To the Pediatrician, 6th edition
     The 5th edition, compiled by leading authorities in the field of stuttering and pediatrics, helps to explain the difference between normal disfluency and stuttering.
     It includes a bibliography reflecting the latest genetic and neurological research, counseling ideas, a risk factor chart, and a physician's checklist for referral. Reproducible pages of advice and help for parents. 16 pages.
Unit Cost: $10.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0024: The Child Who Stutters: To the Family Physician
     This 2nd edition booklet explains the difference between normal disfluency and stuttering.
     It includes counseling ideas and a physician's checklist for referral as well as reproducible pages containing help and advice for parents. 16 pages.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0025: Auto-terapia para el tartamudo, 204 paginas
    Siempre hay algunos tartamudos que no pueden conseguir ayuda profesional; y otros que paracen no obtener beneficio de ello. En este libro, Malcolm Fraser, ha tratado de ofrecer alguna guia para aquellos que deben ayudarse a si mismos. Conociendo bien de su propria experencia como tartamudo las dificultades que ofrece la auto-terapia, el esboza una serie de objectivos y retos que deben servir como mapa a la persona que esta perdida en el funesto pantano de la tartamudez y desea encontrar una salida. Charles Van Riper, Ph.D., distinguido profesor, Universidad de Western Michigan. 204 pages
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Books
0026: Consejos para el tartamudo, 132 paginas
     Este es un libro extraordinario de consejos sobre terapia. Nada igual jamas ha sido publicado antes. Lo que lo hace unico y excepcional es cada articulo en este libro ha sido escrito por hombres y mujeres quienes han sido ellos mismos tartamudos.
     Cada uno de ellos ha pasada por lo mismo y conoce lo que es haber experimentado el temor, la ansiedad y la desesperanza que muy amendo es la suerte del tartamudo. Ellos conocen su problema.
     Tambien todos los autores de estos articulos son y han sido logopeda. Esto quiere decir que ellos tienen experienca y han sido entrenados en ayudar a otros con sus problemas del lenguaje - y han escrito estos articulos para ayudar a eliminar su tartamudez. 132 paginas.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Books
0028: A Concise Guide to Childhood Stuttering
     Compiled by leading authorities in the field of stuttering, this book for pediatricians and health-care providers helps to explain the difference between normal disfluency and stuttering.
    It includes a bibliography reflecting the latest genetic and neurological research, case studies, counseling ideas, a risk factor chart, questions to ask parents, checklist for referral, and reproducible pages of advice and help for parents. 16 pages. ISBN 978-0-933388-55-0
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0029: El Nino Que Tartamudea: Para El Pediatra
    Los pediatras, medicos de familia y otros profesionales de la salud suelen ser los primeros a quienes acuden los padres en busca de orientacion sobre la tartamudez de un hijo. Estos profesionales tienen mucho que contribuir a la prevencion de la tartamudez.
    La deteccion a tiempo del nino que corre riesgo de desarrollar tartamudez cronica y la transferencia inmediata al profesional adequado son importantisimas. Por autre part, el asesoramiento opotuno a los padres puede ayudar a crear el ambiente propicio para que el pequeno supere la disfluencia naturalmente.
    La intervencion a tiempo impide que se adquieran habitos de por vida que interfieran con el exito social, academico, y profesional.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0030: ?Tartamudeas? Una guia para adolescentes
     Porque eres adolescente y porque a veces tartamudeas, algunos problemas son unicamente tuyos. Este libro esta escrito para ti, con la esperanza de ayudarte con algunos de esos problemas. Tambien incluye una lista de mitos acerca de la tartamudez.
     Cada capitulo fue escrito por un especialista en tartamudez. Te interesara saber que algunos de ellos son personas que tartamudean. Todos estan de acuerdo en que puedes hacer mucho para mejorar tu calidad de vida.
     1st edition, 2011. 64 pages.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Books
0031: Sometimes I Just Stutter, a book for ages 7 to 12
    This 40 page book is a wonderful way for kids to discover more about stuttering in an open and encouraging way. It lets them know that the harder they try not to stutter, the more they may do so. Letters to brothers and sisters, grandparents, teachers, and others let children take the lead in educating the people in their environment.
     The personal letters written by other kids who stutter help to normalize stuttering and let readers know that they are not alone.

    "...counseling children to accept their stuttering is a means of working directly on stuttered speech. Because if a child is encouraged to go ahead and stutter, they then can change it. But if a child is encouraged to not stutter, this perpetuates the negative reaction." Barry Guitar, Ph.D.

    Also available on Amazon.com as a Kindle. Also available in Spanish. See book #0032.
Unit Cost: $15.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Books
0032: A veces, yo tartamudeo un libros para 7 a 12 anos
     Este libro esta escrito para todos los chicos que tartamudean. En las paginas vas a encontrar muchas informaciones acerca de la tartamudez:
  • Por que te trabas al hablar
  • Por que algunas veces te trabas y otras veces no
  • Por que a veces los demas te hacen burla cuando te trajas
  • Que hay muchos otros chicos que tambien se traban al hablar
  • Que la tartamudez muchas veces es fea y otras veces no tanto.
     Algunos chicos que tartamudean escriberon cartas para esta libro. Hay mucho para aprender de lo que ellos nos cuentan! Espero que el libro te guste. 40 paginas.
Unit Cost: $15.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Books
0033: The Teacher Who Made a Difference
This 32 page book by Corinne Litzenberg and illustrated by Amy L. Dech is a must-read for teachers, speech-language pathologists, and students!

A week before Earth Day, the school-wide poetry contest winners were announced at Corinne's school. Each grade level winner was going to read their poem aloud to the entire school.

Corinne's poem won! Her teachers always said that she paints a picture when she writes with words. But, now she would have to read her poem aloud. How Corinne wanted to share her poem.

Find out how she was able to overcome some of the challenges of stuttering with help from a special teacher who made a difference.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0035: Wendi's Magical Voice
    This 32-page book, Wendi's Magical Voice, written and illustrated by Brit Kohls, is an imaginative, well-written story about a girl who stutters. Children will identify with her fears in the classroom and be delighted by the magical way she resolves them. Also check out the Wendi's Magical Hat Poster.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Books
0036: Complete Set of 17 Stuttering Foundation of America Books
    An $175 value for only $60! Seventeen outstanding books on stuttering, covering all aspects of the problem from preschoolers to adults, from counseling to transfer and maintenance, to books on and for the school-age child who stutters. Compiled by leading authorities in the field. This special offer includes books:
  • Advice To Those Who Stutter, No. 0009
  • Therapy for Stutterers, No. 0010
  • If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents, No.0011
  • Self-Therapy for the Stutterer, No. 0012
  • Treating the School-Age Child Who Stutters: A Guide for Clinicians, No. 0014
  • Stuttering: An Integration of Contemporary Therapies, No. 0016
  • Counseling Stutterers, No. 0018
  • Stuttering Therapy: Transfer and Maintenance, No. 0019
  • Do You Stutter: A Guide for Teens, No. 0021
  • Stuttering and Your Child: Questions and Answers, No. 0022
  • Sometimes I Just Stutter, No. 0031
  • The Teacher Who Made A Difference, No. 0033
  • Wendi's Magical Voice, No., 0035
  • A Stutterer's Story, No. 0061
  • What I Wish People Knew About Stuttering, No. 0090
  • Straight Talk for Teachers, No. 0125
The Genius of Dean Williams, No. 0425
English editions only.
The latest editions will be shipped.
Unit Cost: $70.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0038: Classroom Resource Set, 5 Brochures
     Stuttering Foundation Classroom Resources, 5 of each #0124 Bullying #0114 ADHD and Stuttering #0042 Notes to the Teacher #0113 Special Education Law #0118 8 Tips for Teachers
Unit Cost: $3.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
0039: Complete Set of 27 Brochures
     Complete set of all 27 brochures including ADHD and Stuttering, Tourette's Syndrome and Stuttering, If You Think Your Child Is Stuttering, 18 Famous People Who Stutter, 8 Tips for Teachers, 7 Tips for Talking with Your Child, 6 Tips for Speaking With Someone Who Stutters, and many, many more!
Unit Cost: $3.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Brochures
0041: If You Think Your Child is Stuttering, tips for parents
     This popular brochure describes the difference between normal disfluencies and stuttering and gives 7 tips for parents of what they can do immediately to help the disfluent child. Includes risk factors chart.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
0042: Notes to the Teacher: The Child Who Stutters at School
     This excellent brochure gives guidelines and answers teachers' questions about the child who stutters in the classroom. Includes information about teasing, oral reports, and 8 tips for talking with the child who stutters.
Includes information on:
  • preschool and kindergarten child
  • elementary school age child
  • answering questions
  • reading aloud in class
  • teasing
  • speech therapy
An excellent tool for teachers, parents, and speech-language pathologists.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
0043: Why Speech Therapy?
    This brochure covers topics such as:
  • Why Go to Speech Therapy?
  • Choosing a Speech-Language Pathologist
  • Therapy: Amount, Length and Cost
  • Expectations for Success
  • Goals for Therapy
    An important tool 1) for all those trying to find the therapist who is right for them; and 2) for setting realistic goals for therapy.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Brochures
0044: Famous People Who Stutter brochure
     This full color brochure depicts famous people who stutter and whose stuttering did not keep them from having successful careers.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: All Ages / Brochures
0045: Using the Telephone - A Guide for Those Who Stutter
     Many people - whether they stutter or not - have difficulty using the telephone. This brochure gives helpful advice in dealing with this problem:
  • Using the Phone
  • Making Calls to Others
  • Receiving Calls
  • General Advice
     Includes fact sheet about stuttering.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Brochures
0046: 6 Tips For Speaking With Someone Who Stutters
     This 4 color flyer gives concrete advice on how to react when speaking with someone who stutters. Ideal for workplace settings, schools, hospitals, and clinics. For use in presentations to classrooms or to share with co-workers and colleagues.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: All Ages / Brochures
0047: Did You Know... A Fact Sheet about Stuttering
     A four color flyer giving facts about stuttering. It also features 4 famous people who stutter. Ideal for presentations to classroom and in workplace settings, hospitals, and clinics.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: All Ages / Brochures
0048: Si Usted Cree Que Su Nino Tartamudea
     Este folleto describe la distincion entre el desarrollo normal de lenguaje y la tartamudez.
     El folleto ofrece siete consejos a los padres como pueden hablar a su nino y darle un ayuda imediatamente con este trastorno de ritmo.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
0049: El Nino Que Tartamudea en la Escuela
     Este folleto es un guia para los maestros que tratan de ayudar al nino que tartamudea en la escuela.
     Ofrece recomendaciones y respuestas sobre burlas y bromas, la lectura en voz alta en clase, y nueve consejos para ayudar al maestro que habla con el nino que tartamudea.
     Se incluyen informaciones sobre:
     el nino de edad pre-escolar; el nino de escuela primaria; como responder a preguntas; la lectura en voz alta; bromas; y terapia de lenguaje.
     El guia es excelente para los maestros, los padres, y los medicos foniatras.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
0051: Winston Churchill Poster
     This attractive poster features brilliant statesman and orator, Winston Churchill. A classic for classroom, workplace, hospital or clinic setting.
18" x 24"
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0052: All 9 National Stuttering Awareness Posters
     All 9 posters featuring National Stuttering Awareness Week spokespeople:
  • Alan Rabinowitz
  • Annie Glenn
  • John Stossel
  • Mel Tillis
  • Bob Love
  • Ken Venturi
  • Bill Walton
  • Robert Merrill
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0053: Complete Set of All 12 Posters
     Set of all 12 Foundation Posters- including the 18 Famous People Poster, Winston Churchill, and the Stuttering Foundation 50th Anniversary poster. Also included are posters of the following National Stuttering Awareness Celebrities: Darren Sproles, Alan Rabinowitz, John Stossel, Mel Tillis, Ken Venturi, Bob Love, Bill Walton, Robert Merrill, and Annie Glenn.
Unit Cost: $25.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0054: Famous People Who Stutter - Poster
     Noted celebrities who stutter in a full color poster... VP Joe Biden, Emily Blunt, Darren Sproles, Nicholas Brendon, James Earl Jones, Kenyon Martin, John Stossel, Marilyn Monroe, Bob Love, Mel Tillis, Bill Walton, Carly Simon, King George VI, Frank Wolf, Ken Venturi, Sophie Gustafson, Alan Rabinowitz, Byron Pitts. 24" X 18"
     Ideal for all settings to increase awareness about stuttering.
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0055: NFL Star Darren Sproles for National Stuttering Awareness Week
     NFL star Darren Sproles, who personally copes with stuttering, is a football running back and return specialist for the New Orleans Saints. He is a campaign spokesman, helping to educate the public about stuttering and its prevention. 18" x 24"
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0056: Bill Walton and National Stuttering Awareness Week
     NBA All Star and Hall of Famer Bill Walton never let his stuttering problem keep him out of the game. Today millions of fans recognize his authoritative voice as a sports commentator. Bill Walton got in the game, and so can you. 12" x 18"
Unit Cost: $3.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0057: Bob Love and National Stuttering Awareness Week
     Legendary star of the Chicago Bulls Bob "Butterbean" Love, who copes effectively with his stuttering, led the 2006 campaign to educate the public about stuttering with a message of help and hope. Poster 12" X 18"
Unit Cost: $3.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0058: Ken Venturi and National Stuttering Awareness Week
     CBS Sports commentator and United States Open champion Ken Venturi, who personally overcame a speech impediment, led the 1992 campaign to educate the public about stuttering with a message of help and hope. 12" x 18"
Unit Cost: $3.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0059: John Stossel and National Stuttering Awareness Week
     Journalist John Stossel knows news. He also knows what it's like to deal with a stuttering problem. John still struggles with stuttering yet has become one of the most successful reporters in broadcast journalism today.
12" x 18"
Unit Cost: $3.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0060: Stuttering Foundation of America 70th Anniversary 1947-2017
     This poster features many of the pioneers in the field of speech pathology, including early founders of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. 70 Years of Service ... a classic. 20" X 26"
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0061: A Stutterer's Story: An Autobiography, 176 pages
     Written by Frederick P. Murray, Ph.D., this autobiography gives a detailed account of how severe stuttering can affect one's thinking, actions, and way of living. Dr. Murray believes that, regardless of severity, those who stutter can accomplish much towards achieving gratifying fluency and a workable solution to the difficulty.
2nd edition, 3rd printing - 176 pages.
Also available in Spanish. See Book #0161.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Books
0062: Utilizando el Telefono
     This brochure is the Spanish translation of Using the Telephone.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Brochures
0063: Como reaccionar delante de una persona que tartamudea
     This brochure is the Spanish translation of How to React When Speaking With Someone Who Stutters.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: All Ages / Brochures
0064: Mel Tillis and National Stuttering Awareness Week
     Country music star Mel Tillis has entertained audiences around the world. Mel still copes with stuttering, but it hasn't kept him from a highly successful career as an entertainer and recording artist. 12" x 18"
Unit Cost: $3.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0065: Cluttering: Some Guidelines
     This brochure, written by Kenneth O. St. Louis, Ph.D., is designed to help diagnose and to describe the treatment of cluttering. Includes:
  • How do you know if you or someone else has a cluttering problem?
  • How is cluttering diagnosed?
  • How is cluttering treated?
  • What is the likelihood that therapy will help?
  • How can I get help for cluttering?
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Professional Use / Brochures
0067: Annie Glenn and National Stuttering Awareness Week
     Annie Glenn, wife of astronaut John Glenn, was grounded for years by a stuttering problem. Speech therapy and hard work helped turn it around.
     Annie led the 1999 awareness campaign, reaching many women who stutter with a message of hope. 12" x 18"
Unit Cost: $3.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0068: Stuttering: Answers For Employers
     Understanding stuttering can be part of an employer's ongoing efforts to make the workplace more user-friendly for all people. Greater understanding of speech handicaps provides benefits both for the organization and all people who work there.
     This brochure is a must for those faced with a job interview situation and is useful for anyone making a workplace/college classroom presentation on stuttering.
     Facts and myths about stuttering are included in this attractive 4-color brochure.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Brochures
0073: Stuttering and Your Child: Help for Parents
     This 30 minute DVD is for parents and families of young children who stutter. (Formerly entitled Stuttering and the Preschool Child) Both versions - English and Spanish - are on the same DVD. The focus is to help families understand stuttering and make changes to promote more fluent speech.
  • for parents whose child is stuttering
  • for speech-language pathologists working with young children
  • and for school, clinic, university, and hospital settings.
...this is perhaps the best buy in the nation for information on children and stuttering. ASHA Journal book review

     Produced by Barry Guitar, Ph.D. and Carroll Guitar, M.L.S. of the University of Vermont; in collaboration with Jane Fraser, Stuttering Foundation; Diane Hill, M.A., Northwestern University; Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder; Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., University of Iowa. Additional footage from Kristin A. Chmela, M.A., Northwestern University.

La Tartamudez y Su Nino

     A esta video se le pueden dar muchos usos. Se puede utilizar con familias en que un nino tartamudea, con terapeutas del habla que van a tratar a ninos de edad preescolar y en las escuelas, universidades, centros de tratamiento y hospitales.
     Producido por Barry Guitar, Ph.D., Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., de la Universidad de Vermont, en collaboracion con Jane Fraser, presidente de la Stuttering Foundation, Diane Hill, M.A., Northwestern Universidad, Peter Ramig, Ph.D., Universidad de Colorado, y Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., de la Universidad de Iowa.
     The Stuttering Foundation agradece a Miami Children's Hospital, May Productions, la terapeuta del habla Lisette M. Betancourt, M.A., Ava Osle de Radio Lollipop, Henry Postigo, Nora Barriere, y Isidoro Zarco, M.D., sus contribuciones de trabajo, que permitieron convertir este projecto en realidad.

If you like this product, you may also like the Book #0011 If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents by Stanley Ainsworth, Ph.D. and Jane Fraser.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Videos/DVDs
0074: The King's Speech Awareness Poster
    The award winning film, The King's Speech, increased awareness for stuttering. This 24" by 18" poster is perfect for clinics, schools, home and all settings where stuttering is a concern.
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0075: 7 Tips for Talking With the Child Who Stutters
     In this 16 minute DVD, a group of speech-language experts talk compassionately and directly to adults about how to promote easier talking as they interact with their preschool-age children. The professionals offer simple, easy-to-do tips that parents can begin to use immediately.
    The video features some of the world's leading hands-on therapists working with preschool children who stutter.
    They include Lisa A. Scott, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, of The Florida State University's School of Communication Science and Disorders; Ellen Kelly, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; speech-language consultants Frances Cook, MBE, MSc, MRCSLT (Hons), Cert CT (Oxford), Willie Botterill, MSc, MRCSLT, Cert CT and Elaine Kelman, MSc, MRCSLT, Cert CBT from the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children in London.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Videos/DVDs
0080: Kids Who Stutter: Parents Speak
In this 16 minute DVD, parents of children who stutter join a group of speech-language experts to talk compassionately and directly about what has worked for them as they interact with their child. The video features some of the world's leading hands-on therapists working with children who stutter: Lisa A. Scott, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, of The Florida State University's School of Communication Science and Disorders; Ellen Kelly, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; speech-language consultants Frances Cook, MBE, MSc, MRCSLT (Hons), Cert CT (Oxford), Willie Botterill, MSc, MRCSLT, Cert CT and Elaine Kelman, MSc, MRCSLT, Cert CBT from the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children in London.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Videos/DVDs
0090: What I Wish People Knew About Stuttering
Edited by Courtney T. Byrd, PhD; In this 64 page book,children who stutter courageously share what they most want people to know about stuttering. They are changing the world for the better, one heartfelt message at a time.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Books
0092: There is Nothing A Child Who Stutters Cannot Do Awareness Poster
There Is Nothing A Child Who Stutters Cannot Do Awareness Poster An inspirational poster for kids!
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0097: HELP!! Awareness Poster
HELP!! Poster to increase awareness.
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0098: Message in a Bottle Awareness Poster
Message in a Bottle Poster - Sometimes Words Are Hard to Get Out.
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0099: Your Stuttering Is Like An Iceberg Awareness Poster
!!!NEW!!!Iceberg Awareness Poster
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Posters
0107: Fridge Magnet for Parents
     This colorful and attractive fridge magnet gives parents and caregivers tips to help the young child who stutters.
     Postcard size just right for the fridge door.
     It was designed and written by Edward G. Conture, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, renowned authority in early childhood stuttering.
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Books
0109: T-Shirt "Stuttering is OK Because What I Say Is Worth Repeating"
Top Quality 100% Cotton T-Shirt "Stuttering Is OK Because What I Say Is Worth Repeating!"
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Merchandise
0110: Stuttering and the Bilingual Child
     This excellent brochure gives guidelines to parents and professionals on how to help the bilingual child who stutters.
     It offers suggestions for reducing language demands on these children and includes ideas for structuring therapy and important points to consider.
     Written by Rosalee C. Shenker, Ph.D. of The Montreal Fluency Centre.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Professional Use / Brochures
0111: Neurogenic Stuttering
    This brochure discusses neurogenic stuttering, how it differs from developmental stuttering, what to look for, and how to help. Also includes bibliography.
    Written by Lawrence Molt, Ph.D., in collaboration with J. Yaruss, Ph.D.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Professional Use / Brochures
0112: Tourette's Syndrome and Stuttering
    This informative brochure gives tips on what to look for and how to help those who struggle with Tourette's Syndrome and stuttering.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: All Ages / Brochures
0113: Special Education Law and Children Who Stutter
     This excellent brochure explains in simple, direct, parent-centered language how children are identified, screened, evaluated, and determined to be eligible for therapy services.
     There is a lengthy discussion of how speech therapy plans are developed for each child and the parents' role in the process.
     Differences in these processes for children enrolled in private schools is discussed, and speech therapy options are presented for children who are ineligible for services from the schools.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
0114: ADHD and Stuttering
     This resourceful brochure describes ADHD and gives 9 tips for treating children who stutter with ADHD.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Professional Use / Brochures
0115: Myths about Stuttering
     This excellent flyer sets the record straight on 5 of the many myths that surround stuttering.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: All Ages / Brochures
0116: Autism Spectrum Disorders & Stuttering
     An informative brochure that gives tips to speech-language pathologists and parents concerned with Autism Spectrum Disorders and stuttering.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
0117: 7 Tips for Parents
     Tips for parents, teachers, grandparents and all those concerned with a child who may be stuttering.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
0118: 8 Tips for Teachers
     New tips for teachers, babysitters, preschool personnel who work with students who stutter.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
0119: Stuttering: Myths, Beliefs, Straight Talk
     This teen brochure discusses some common myths and debunks them with straight talk about stuttering.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Brochures
0124: Bullying and SLPs
This brochure gives SLPs some ideas of how to help the child who stutters who is being bullied.

When a student who stutters wants to talk about bullying with an SLP, we teach the STOP-IT slogan, which is something to hang on a wall in a therapy room as a show of advocacy and support.

(S)top the bullying immediately,
(T)ag and identify the behavior at once,
(O)ffer assistance and social support to the victim,
(P)resent immediate/appropriate consequences for bullying behavior,
( I )nstruct witnesses and bystanders
(T)each students, personnel, parents and friends intervention strategies.
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Professional Use / Brochures
0125: Straight Talk for Teachers Resource Booklet
    This 32-page resource guide is a wonderful and affordable source of information and resources for both classroom teachers and speech-language pathologists concerned about children who stutter in the classroom.
    Purchase additional copies for handouts.
    The first section is designed specifically to answer teachers' most common questions about stuttering and how to interact with the child who stutters in the classroom.
    The second section for speech-language pathologists offers advice on leading an inservice or working one-on-one with a teacher who has a child who stutters in the classroom and gives background information on stuttering.
    A detailed resource list is included for children, parents, teachers, and speech-language pathologists as well as a reproducible, color copy of the popular 18 Famous People Who Stutter poster.
Unit Cost: $2.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0126: Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teachers DVD
    Updated 2012. In this powerful 18-minute DVD and book, students who stutter talk to teachers about their experiences and experts in the field of speech pathology answer questions about what works and what doesn't in the classroom.
    A perfect length for an after-school inservice or short enough for a teacher to watch alone. The DVD and accompanying 32-page book answer common questions:
  • how to respond to the child who stutters in the classroom,
  • what happens in speech therapy,
  • how to handle teasing,
  • how to deal with oral presentations.
    The free 32-page book includes a resource section for teachers, SLPs, parents, and children materials. The section for SLPs provides information on how to lead an inservice or work individually with classroom teachers.
    Produced by Lisa A. Scott, Ph.D., The Florida State University and Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., University of Vermont; in collaboration with Kristin Chmela, M.A., Northwestern University; Jane Fraser, president, The Stuttering Foundation; and Bill Murphy, M.A., Purdue University.
    Additional footage provided by Barry Guitar, Ph.D., University of Vermont; Diane Hill, M.A., Northwestern University; Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder; and Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., University of Iowa.

Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Videos/DVDs
0128: "Stuttering Is OK Because What I Say Is Worth Repeating" NEW for 2020
Top Quality 100% Cotton T-Shirt "Stuttering Is OK Because What I say Is Worth Repeating" New Design for 2020
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Merchandise
0130: Classroom Presentation Kit - posters and brochures
     Contains cool tools for children to use when making presentations to their class about stuttering:
  • 30 copies of 18 Famous People Who Stutter brochure,
  • 30 copies of Did You Know: Fact Sheet About Stuttering,
  • One 18" x 24" poster 18 Famous People Who Stutter,
  • One large poster Darren Sproles for National Stuttering Awareness Week
  • One 24" x 18" King's Speech Awareness Poster

All materials are in full color.
Unit Cost: $20.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Brochures
0132: Stuttering Foundation Baseball Cap
    This white breathable 5 panel poly twill cap provides a fabric that protects your head while providing a comforting breeze. Embroidered with the Stuttering Foundation logo on the front and website URL on the back.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Other / Merchandise
0134: Stuttering Foundation Embroidered Patch
    The Stuttering Foundation sew-on patch is 5"x2.5" and is embroidered with over ten thousand stitches on a white fabric background with red hemmed-border.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Other / Merchandise
0136: SFA Removable Bumper Sticker
    This 3"x6" bumper sticker features the Stuttering Foundation logo and is made of removable vinyl to protect the finish of the surface you wish to display it on.
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: Other / Merchandise
0138: Stuttering Foundation Playing Cards
Have fun while spreading stuttering awareness with these Stuttering Foundation playing cards.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Merchandise
0161: Historia de un tartamudo
    Historia de un Tartamudo es una narracion subjetiva de lo que el tartamudo grave experimenta, de la verguenza, la soledad y el desaliento que sufrieton el y los que lo querian.
    Es tambien una descripcion objetiva y profesional de lo que se sabe y de lo que se ha logrado en el campo de la tartamudez infantil y adulta.
    El Dr. Murray esta convenido de que el tartamudo cronico puede alcanzar mayor fluidez, y en Historia de un Tartamudo explica como hacerlo.

English version Book #0061.
Unit Cost: $15.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Books
0162: Working With Preschoolers Who Stutter: Successful Intervention Strategies
    Improve your ability to successfully treat stuttering in preschoolers. This one hour and 45 minute DVD (with a 24 page booklet included on the DVD) offer comprehensive and practical strategies for working with young children:
  • a multidimensional approach to the assessment and treatment of preschoolers,
  • guidelines based on new research on when to provide treatment,
  • practical strategies to use in therapy,
  • a structured approach to involve parents in the process.
    Demonstrationshelp you see and successfully model easy relaxed speech. The video includes excerpts with parents sharing their personal stories about being involved in treatment.
    Featuring Kristin Chmela, M.A., speech-language pathologist and Board Recognized Specialist in Fluency Disorders. Produced by the Stuttering Foundation.
    See offer #9162 for continuing education materials (.3 CEUs) to accompany this DVD!

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
0217: 7 Tips for Parents - Poster
Tips for parents, teachers, grandparents and all those concerned with a child who may be stuttering.
18" x 24"
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Posters
0218: 8 Tips for Teachers - Poster
Tips for teachers, babysitters, preschool personnel - all who work with students who stutter.
18" x 24"
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Posters
0235: Wendi's Magical Hat Poster
    The Wendi's Magical Voice poster is a companion to the 32-page book, Wendi's Magical Voice, written and illustrated by Brit Kohls.You may also be interested in the book behind this poster: Wendi's Magical Voice.
Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Posters
0236: Sometimes I Just Stutter Pencil
Five #2 pencils to promote stuttering awareness
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: Other / Other
0237: Pack of 50 ID Cards
ID Cards for Those Who Stutter
50 cards for $2.50 plus postage
Unit Cost: $3.00
Category/Type: Other / Merchandise
0250: The PowerR Game
    Help your clients manage their stuttering, increase awareness and change in attitudes and feelings about stuttering, and develop strategies for dealing with daily challenges using a game-board approach to treatment.
    The PowerR Game: Managing Stuttering gives you 94 game cards with 564 statements for directing discussions about stuttering and an additional 50 cards containing diversion scenarios to focus discussions.
     PowerR is an acronym for each of the important phases of treatment including:
  • P ermission to stutter;
  • O wnership of the disorder;
  • W ell-being maintenance;
  • E steem of self;
  • R esilience in bouncing back after stuttering episodes and developing
  • R esponsibility for being an effective communication partner.
    Developed by speech-language pathologist Gordon Blood, Ph.D., The Penn State University. The PowerR Game helps those who stutter manage their stuttering and the feelings associated with it. Second edition provides an updated manual with additional resources and references.

This book/game will help you write practical and functional IEPs.
    Bill Murphy, M.A.

There is no other book/game like this. It's a wonderful workbook for SLPs to counsel teens and adults who stutter and create activities to help them work on their speech.
    Kristin Chmela, M.A.
Unit Cost: $20.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Books
0425: The Genius of Dean Williams
A compilation of classic articles by the renowned authority on stuttering. This collection covers the full range of topics on which Williams wrote. Gathered in one 102 page book, The Genius of Dean Williams represents a unique philosophy and approach to stuttering therapy and to clients from a giant in the field. Edited by Carroll Guitar, M.L.S. Also included is a DVD with classic footage of Dean working with a child who stutters.

"Finding buried treasure is how I'd describe reading and viewing this new combination of Dean Williams' legacy -- his essays and a video of his therapy in action." -- Barry Guitar, Ph.D.

Dean believed that stuttering behavior in school children and adults is the result of their trying not to stutter. They struggle and tense up to avoid repetitions, prolongations, and blocks. However, these behaviors are more under their control than they realize. Dean's approach was to help his clients discover that they could change their behavior and learn to speak more easily. His essays and the video of him helping a young boy speak more easily can teach you how you can use this approach with your own clients. Try it!
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
0427: Two Penguins and a Treasure to be Discovered/Dos pinguinos y un tesoro
Two Penguins and a Treasure to Be Discovered is an adventure where penguins Jorge and Tito introduce the notions needed to stimulate fluency in young children. The book is a therapy resource within the "Estrategias de Conciencia Speech Therapy Approach for working with fluency and integrating its five aspects (motor control when speaking, emotional, cognitive, linguistic and social). The original version is in Spanish and has been translated into English.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Books
1037: 4 DVDs & 3 Books for Preschool & School-age Children
     This special DVD/book offer includes four outstanding DVDs: No.0073 - Stuttering and Your Child: Help for Parents. No.9172 - Stuttering: For Kids By Kids; No.1076 - Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teens; and No.1079 - The School Age Child who Stutters; and four books: No. 0011 - If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents,; No. 0022 - Stuttering and Your Child: Questions and Answers,; and No. 0021 - Do You Stutter: A Guide For Teens. A $50 value for only $35.

The latest editions will be shipped.
Unit Cost: $35.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
1076: Straight Talk for Teens
    The teen years are full of challenges. For teens who stutter, it can also be a lonely time. They need to know that they are not alone - and that real help is available.
    In this 30 minute DVD, teens share their experiences of stuttering and talk about what works for them. Narrated by high school student David Wilkins, who stutters himself, Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teens provides forthright information and advice on managing stuttering in academic and social settings. Noted clinicians demonstrate helpful techniques and discuss:
  • what stuttering is
  • concerns and feelings associated with stuttering
  • stuttering in the school setting
  • ways to help yourself and where to find help.
     This DVD is an excellent resource for teens and adults, their families, teachers, physicians, and speech-language pathologists. Produced by Barry Guitar, Ph.D., and Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., University of Vermont; Edward G. Conture, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University; Jane Fraser, Stuttering Foundation; Hugo H. Gregory, Ph.D., Northwestern University; and Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder.
    The DVD chaptering makes this is even more useful tool. As an added bonus, this DVD includes If You Stutter: Advice for Adults.

If you like this product, you may also like the Book #0021 Do You Stutter: A Guide for Teens.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Videos/DVDs
1079: Therapy in Action: The School-age Child Who Stutters
     This 38-minute DVD is an excellent resource and teaching tool for speech-language pathologists as well as teachers, parents, and physicians.
     Certain to further the understanding of stuttering and what can be done to help the school-age child, this DVD provides information about:
  • what stuttering looks and sounds like
  • concerns associated with stuttering in the school-age child
  • therapy in action by renowned specialists with school-age children.
     ASHA Journal review says, Speech-language pathologists, teachers, parents, and physicians will find this video helpful. It will be useful as in-service presentations as well as a take home tape for parents. In many cases, it will also be helpful for the child to view the tape. This is the kind of video that you will want to keep several copies of on hand so you won't have to loan or give away your 'last" copy.

     Produced by Edward G. Conture, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, Barry Guitar, Ph.D., University of Vermont, Jane Fraser, Stuttering Foundation, June H. Campbell,M.A., Northwestern University, Hugo H. Gregory,Ph.D., Northwestern University, Peter Ramig, Ph.D. University of Colorado-Boulder, and Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., University of Iowa.

Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
1080: Therapy in Action - Dr. Charles Van Riper
     One of the all time greats in actions! This classic series of nine films on one DVD shows Dr. Charles Van Riper of Western Michigan University working with an adult who stutters. Therapy was done in seven sessions- one week apart - a total of seven hours of therapy. The eighth tape covers a follow-up session one year later. The ninth tape is a 20-year follow up and discussion of the long-term effectiveness of this therapy with Barry Guitar, Ph.D.

Unit Cost: $25.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
1083: If You Stutter: Advice for Adults
     A 55-minute DVD on stuttering for adults who stutter, their families, and the professionals who work with them. Those who stutter share their personal stories and insights into what has helped them.
     Speech-language pathologists answer questions about stuttering and demonstrate a variety of therapy techniques, including:
  • analyzing speech and stuttering;
  • improving attitudes about speech;
  • modifying stuttering and overall communication;
  • transferring new skills into the real world;
  • maintaining improvement outside the therapy setting.
     The broad range of perspectives and depth of information in this video ensure that it will be a lasting source of inspiration to those who stutter.
     Produced by Barry Guitar, Ph.D. and Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., University of Vermont; in collaboration with Jane Fraser, president, Stuttering Foundation; Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado; Hugo H. Gregory, Ph.D., Northwestern University. Narrated by June Haerle Campbell, M.A., Northwestern University. Additional footage provided by Deborah Kully, M.S., ISTAR, and Catherine Montgomery, M.S., AIS.
     DVD chaptering makes this an even more useful tool!

     Included as a bonus is the 30 minute DVD for teens, Straight Talk for Teens.

Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Videos/DVDs
1106: Early Childhood Stuttering Special Offer
     Special Offer of a 30-minute DVD, a 16 minute DVD, two books, and 2 colorful fridge magnets designed by Dr. Edward Conture.
...this is perhaps the best buy in the country for information on children and stuttering. ASHA Journal review
  • Stuttering and Your Child: Help for Parents, a 30 minute DVD for parents of young children
  • If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents, a 64 page book
  • Stuttering and Your Child: Questions and Answers, a 64 page book
  • Colorful fridge magnets with helpful reminders for parents

The latest editions will be shipped.
Unit Cost: $20.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Videos/DVDs
1107: Workbook plus Book 0014
Workbook: The School-Age Child Who Stutters: Working Effectively With Attitudes and Emotions   

This valuable workbook, written by experienced speech-language pathologist Kristin Chmela, M.A., in collaboration with Nina Reardon, M.S., and edited by Lisa Scott, Ph.D., offers you a powerful tool for stuttering diagnostics and therapy, focusing exclusively on assessing and treating feelings and beliefs in school-age children.

   . Book 0014: Treating the School-Age Child Who Stutters: A Guide for Clinicians
   This outstanding book describes how speech-language pathologists can work effectively with school-age children who stutter. Sample dialogues and helpful tools included. Also included are Tips for Teachers and Tips for Talking With Your Child. 112 pages.
Unit Cost: $35.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Books
1170: For Kids By Kids 2.0
Kyle and his young friends talk about stuttering, dealing with teasing, what helps, and how to teach others about stuttering. In this lively and engaging 10 minute video, cartoon animation and real children come together to help other kids who stutter
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Videos/DVDs
4083: A Fresh Look at Stuttering
A Fresh Look at Stuttering produced by Vivian Sisskin, M.S. "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." This quote, attributed to both Marilyn Monroe and Kurt Cobain, may not resonate for someone who has spent most of his or her life desperately trying to hide stuttering. Daily exhaustion from changing words, making excuses, timing interactions, and getting others to do the talking leads to much more than frustration. The life impact from stuttering can affect confidence, spontaneity, job performance, and social interactions. Yet, the wish to be #fluent# often outweighs the freedom to communicate and the desire to make human connection. This 24-minute video follows adults who stutter through their gradual, emotional transformation. They discover the paradox that by accepting and embracing their stuttering rather than hiding it they achieve more fluent communication. They share their personal insights, successes and failures, and the sources of the courage they mustered in order to face fear, step out of their comfort zone, and accept themselves as they are. A 23 minute film for adults and teens!

Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Videos/DVDs
6100: Decoding IDEA Eligibility
    Lisa A. Scott, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, of The Florida State University, discusses concrete strategies for establishing eligibility for school-age children who stutter according to IDEA guidelines.
    Specific methods are described for documenting developmental, academic, and functional information for children who stutter.
    Then, applying evaluation data to determine adverse educational impact and the educational relevance of the child's stuttering problem is highlighted.
    Examples from various state standards are provided as well as a case study profiling a specific case. 1 hour 50 minutes
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6150: The Genetics of Stuttering: Discovery of the Causes
    In this exciting new 44-minute DVD, Dennis Drayna, Ph.D., researcher at the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders, National Institutes of Health, discusses his team's discovery of the first three genes for stuttering.
    These findings emphasize that stuttering has biological causes. Although its symptoms can be affected by emotional factors, stuttering is not an emotional disorder. Nor is it a social disorder, or a psychological disorder.
    Although this discovery is unlikely to have immediate applications for therapy, this identification of causes of the disorder opens many new doors to understanding exactly what goes wrong during speech production in stutterers.
    Join us for an exciting lecture about these results, which point the way to potential new treatments for stuttering.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6160: Understanding New Genetic Findings in Stuttering
In this 72-minute DVD, Dennis Drayna, Ph.D., of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, provides an update on recent research findings in the genetics of stuttering. This video describes the evidence for genetic factors in stuttering and the genes discovered to date. It discusses the function of these genes and what they tell us about the underlying causes of stuttering. It also discusses efforts to create an animal model for stuttering by putting human stuttering mutations into mice and analyzing their ultrasonic vocalizations.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6200: Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Stuttering
    Edward G. Conture, Ph.D., of Vanderbilt University discusses current data-based approaches to the assessment and treatment of preschool children who stutter.
    Conture discusses current theroretical and clinical approaches to this population with supporting data that is based on more than 30 years of clinical and research experience.
    Specific attention is paid to emotional and speech-language contributions to early stuttering, means for considering emotional and speech-language behaviors during assessment and ways to apply this information to treatment.
    Several case studies are presented and discussed by the presenter and audience to arrive at an informed approach to the assessment and treatment of the young child who stutters and his/her family. 3 hours 35 minutes
Unit Cost: $20.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6300: Moving From Assessment to Intervention Planning
    This DVD provides viewers with a framework for developing interventions for preschool children who stutter and for their families. Using the 'Demands and Capacities' model to guide treatment planning. Sheryl Gottwald, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, of the University of New Hampshire identifies environmental variables to consider when constructing goals for the family.
    Likewise, Dr. Gottwald reviews the skill areas that contribute to fluency and highlights those areas that may benefit from child-directed early intervention sessions. Research presented in the 55-minute DVD supports these recommendations.
    Special thanks to Boston University and the Stuttering Foundation workshop attendees.
Unit Cost: $20.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6325: Using Williams' Normal Talking Approach to Help Children Make Speech Change
Using Williams' Normal Talking Approach to Help Children Make Speech Change will increase your confidence and flexibility in teaching students to modify their speech behavior! In this 153-minute video, filmed at the Stuttering Foundation's 2014 two-day conference on working with the school-aged child, Dr. Patricia Zebrowski describes how to teach children to make speech change using Dean Williams' Normal Talking Approach as a foundation. Then, Dr. Zebrowski reviews the various speech modification strategies clinicians can use with children who stutter, including what each technique is designed to change within the speech system and how to use apply the technique in therapy.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $20.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6330: Stuttering: A Clinical Review of the Evidence
    In this engaging 77 minute lecture, Dr. Joe Donaher of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia provides a framework for clinicians to view childhood stuttering from an evidence-based perspective. He presents the latest research in stuttering onset and development, genetics, neurophysiology, and speech motor control. He then helps clinicians understand how to apply this information to the children on their caseloads through the use of several case examples, emphasizing the importance of viewing each child as an individual and creating a strong therapeutic alliance.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6335: Helping Children Change Thoughts and Feelings About Communication
    For many children who stutter, successfully managing communication involves more than just changing speech. During this 2 hour 55 minute DVD, renowned clinician Vivian Sisskin presents a multidimensional approach as a foundation to help children address the thoughts and feelings that sometimes co-exist with stuttering. She offers concrete strategies to help children become more mindful about their communication, to answer others' questions about what stuttering is and why they talk the way they do, and to recognize how their feelings influence their behavior. Additionally, she presents therapy ideas that will assist children in learning to stand up for themselves, to make active choices about speaking situations, plan actions they will take, and take risks. Recommendations for documentation and measurement are also provided.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $20.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6345: For Kids By Kids: All Grown Up
A 20 minute film narrated by Kristin A. Chmela, M.A., provides insight into the lives of four children highlighted in the Stuttering Foundation's best selling video, For Kids By Kids. In this inspiring new DVD, three common threads emerge as we hear Naomi, Daniel, Umang, and Tommy share their stories growing up with stuttering.

I have imagined my son in a box, not knowing how he was going to move forward because of his stuttering. Watching this DVD made me realize he is going to be O.K. -- Parent of 16-year-old who stutters.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Videos/DVDs
6350: Scoring Disfluencies
    Many methods have been developed to count speech disfluencies and in this 1-hour DVD clinicians are trained to differentiate between various types of disfluencies, code them, and analyze the data accordingly. While this is just one aspect of a comprehensive fluency assessment, it is important to obtain reliable frequency measures for assessment purposes as well as to determine treatment effectiveness.
    After being trained in several methods, including Northwestern University's Systematic Disfluency Analysis (Campbell and Hill, 1987) and Vanderbilt university's disfluency counting method (Conture, 2001), Diane Parris, M.S., CCC-SLP, BRS-FD of Boston University demonstrates a pragmatic approach to scoring disfluencies using two case examples for practice.
    Reproducible counting forms and slides are included.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6400: Conversations with David Luterman, Ed.D.
     In this insightful, two-part program, sit in the room with master clinician, David Luterman, as he counsels parents of children who stutter. Then, eavesdrop on his discussion of the session with practicing clinicians.
This DVD is devided into two parts: Group Therapy with Parents (1 hour) and Therapists' Review of Parent Session (1 hour).
    Viewers can witness this interaction which is seldom seen in action. The parent group was also seen by experienced clinicians and the second part of this video is comprised of their observations of the group and their interaction with David.
    Special thanks to David M. Luterman, D.Ed., Professor Emeritus, Emerson College, Boston, and Director, Thayer Lindsey Family-Centered Nursery for Hearing Impaired Children; Diane Fillion Parris, M.S., Boston University; and the parent and clinician group.
Unit Cost: $20.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6500: Implementing CBT with Children
    Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one approach for helping children change their thoughts and feelings about stuttering. These changes can lead to better therapy outcomes as children develop coping strategies, test their beliefs about listener reactions, and take risks like using speech tools in front of others.
    In this 1 hour, 40 minute DVD, clinicians learn why unhelpful thoughts and feelings can interfere with stuttering therapy and then how to help children begin to make changes. Extending the information presented in the Stuttering Foundation's DVD 9900, A Cognitive Behavior Therapy Taster, Lisa Scott, Ph.D., of The Florida State University presents concrete therapy activities for helping children learn to cope with difficult speaking situations, identify unhelpful thoughts, and strategies for trying out new thoughts and behaviors.
    Reproducible worksheets and slides included!
    Special thanks to the University of Iowa, The Florida State University, Stuttering Foundation workshop participants, and Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $20.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6550: Stuttering: Advice from the Heart for Parents
    Fluency specialist Kristin Chmela, M.A., CCC-SLP, talks to parents of children and teenagers who stutter, drawing upon her own experiences not only as a person who stutters but also as a parent, therapist, and teacher.

    Chmela urges parents to see each child as a gift; she also asks parents to consider several important guidelines as they rear a child who stutters.

    This 45-minute DVD was filmed live at the annual convention of Friends; The Association of Young People Who Stutter.

    Special thanks to Friends and its director Lee Caggiano, M.A., CCC-SLP.

    "This is one of the most powerful closing speeches I have ever seen. I felt like I was part of the audience and highly recommend others getting this DVD if not for themselves then for group settings. I know I'll be using it!" Voon Keong Pang, Stuttering Treatment and Research Trust-New Zealand
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6600: Alan Rabinowitz: Stuttering and the Big Cats
    In this powerful hour-long presentation to young people who stutter, Alan Rabinowitz discusses how struggling with stuttering shaped his life and his long-time relationship with the endangered species he works to save.

    This intimate look inside the life of one of the world's greatest conservationists is sure to inspire.

    Catching jaguars and tigers, negotiating with presidents and dictators - that's the easy stuff! The challenge for me has been living with the boy who'd come home from school every day and yearn for the darkness and safety of his closet." - Alan Rabinowitz
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Videos/DVDs
6650: David Seidler: We Have a Voice
    Academy award-winning screenwriter of The King's Speech, David Seidler, inspires young people who stutter in this marvelous hour-long presentation. In an eloquent keynote address followed by a question and answer session, Seidler discusses how his own struggle with stuttering led him to admire King George VI whose radio addresses moved him as a child and led to his desire to share the King's story.
    Viewers of all ages will enjoy learning more about the man who wrote the screenplay that has captivated the stuttering community and the world.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Videos/DVDs
6700: ADHD and Children Who Stutter
    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopment disorder characterized by reduced attention, increased impulsivity and increased hyperactivity. Speech-language pathologists must consider the impact that ADHD traits can have on an individual's ability to efficiently and fluently communicate.
    In this 54-minute film, Joseph Donaher, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, introduces the clinical characteristics of ADHD, the literature on stuttering and ADHD, and clinical management accommodations that may improve therapeutic outcomes for children who stutter who present with coexisting attention and focusing concerns.

    Filmed at the 9th Oxford Dysfluency Conference, St. Catherine's College, Oxford, UK, September 2011. Filmed and edited by Bob O'Brien, Video Design Productions, Inc., Lake Zurich, IL.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6710: Neurophysiology of Stuttering
     Neurophysiology studies the function of the central and the peripheral nervous system through the recording of bioelectrical activity, whether it is spontaneous or stimulated.
    During this 50 minute presentation, Martin Sommer, M.D., gives an overview of essential neurophysiological findings that improve our understanding of the pathophysiology of stuttering.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6720: Evidence-Based Practice and Practice-Based Evidence: Closing the Gap
    Discussions about evidence-based practice often culminate in claims that there is one best approach to treatment of a particular type of client, or that we lack appropriate evidence or that clinicians lack access to what evidence we have.
    In this presentation, in an effort to frame these claims more positively, Dr. Nan Bernstein Ratner, Ed.D., argues that there is both research and common-sense evidence that these claims are wrong. She also suggests that in the debate about best practices in fluency treatment, there is indeed a need to search out and integrate many sources of evidence that either support our approach to a case or suggest a need for reconsideration, adjustment or change.
    Many options exist to find and use this evidence, and many more await implementation either in the clinic or in our research undertakings.
    This 55 minute talk provides a range of options for both clinical researchers and practicing clinicians who want to find, use and integrate evidence of treatment effectiveness.
    Dr. Ratner suggests some fruitful ways to frame further discussions on the topics of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence to answer commonly posed questions about the effectiveness of what clinicians do.
    Filmed at the 9th Oxford Dysfluency Conference, St. Catherine's College, Oxford, UK, September 2011. Filmed and edited by Bob O'Brien, Video Design Productions, Inc., Lake Zurich, IL.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6730: Autism Spectrum Disorders and Stuttering
There has been increased interest in understanding the variety of speech disfluency patterns among those with autism spectrum disorders.

Case studies that describe types of disfluencies have added to our knowledge base. While both stuttering and 'atypical' disfluencies (final part-word repetition) have been documented, many questions remain unanswered. What treatment methods are effective? What are the priorities for improved communication? What should we expect for positive functional outcomes?

In this 2 hour presentation, Vivian Sisskin, M.S., CCC-SLP, from the University of Maryland, summarizes the literature pertaining to disfluency in autism, and provides basic principles to aid in differential diagnosis and treatment planning.

A case study, demonstrating effective treatment for final part-word repetitions, highlights a problem-solving approach to clinical management, using both learning style in autism and strategies from traditional fluency therapies.

Filmed at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia during the Stuttering Foundation Mid-Atlantic Workshop, Philadelphia, PA, July 2012. Filmed and edited by Bob O'Brien, Video Design Productions, Inc., Lake Zurich, IL.

Special thanks to Lisa A. Scott, Ph.D. and Joseph Donaher, Ph.D., and the 15 Stuttering Foundation Mid-Atlantic Workshop Attendees.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
6740: Avoidance Reduction Therapy in a Group Setting
    The roots of Avoidance Reduction Therapy for Stuttering are found in the pioneering work of the late Joseph Sheehan, a professor of psychology at UCLA, and his wife Vivian Sheehan, a Los Angeles-based speech pathologist. The Sheehans applied concepts from conflict theory and role theory to formulate an explanation for the behaviors and paradoxes we observe in those who stutter.
    They described stuttering as an "approach-avoidance conflict," whereby competing desires to both speak and hold back from speaking result in (1) maladaptive reactive behaviors that interfere with communication, and (2) "mental gymnastics" that limit participation in daily life.
    In this 2-hour video, Vivian Sisskin, M.S., CCC-SLP, from the University of Maryland, walks clinicians through methods of group therapy while providing the nuts and bolts of Avoidance Reduction Therapy. Sisskin, mentored by the Sheehans early in her career, outlines the basic principles, goals of treatment, and therapeutic strategies of her treatment program for stuttering.
    This presentation serves as both a tutorial for speech-language pathologists and a self-help primer for those who stutter. Activities and video demonstrations provide ideas for activities and assignments that lead to spontaneous, forward-moving communication, free of control.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
7070: Special Offer 70th Anniversary-0012 plus 4083
Special offer - A $20 value for $10. 192 page Self Therapy for the Stutterer by Malcolm Fraser and the 16 minute DVD, A Fresh Look at Stuttering. With each copy of Self-Therapy for the Stutterer, 0012, you will recieve a free DVD, A Fresh Look at Stuttering, 4083.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Teenagers and Adults / Books
7115: Mitos sobre tartamudez
Mitos sobre tartamudez Myths about stuttering brochure in Spanish
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: All Ages / Brochures
7117: 7 Consejos para hablar
7 Consejos para hablar
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
7118: 8 Consejos para los maestros
8 Consejos para los maestros
Unit Cost: $0.10 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Brochures
8171: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, 70th Anniversary Edition
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, 70th Anniversary Edition $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Other
8172: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, 2017 Special Kids' Edition
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Special Kids' Edition $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Other
8173: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Autumn 2017 Edition
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Autumn 2017 Edition Alan Rabinowitz Issue $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Other
8174: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2019 Issue
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2019 Edition $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8175: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Summer 2019 Issue
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Summer 2019 Edition $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8181: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2018 Edition
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2018 Edition George Springer Issue $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Other
8182: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Summer 2018
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Summer 2018 Edition Glenn McClure Issue $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Other
8183: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Fall 2018 Issue
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Fall 2018 Edition Remembering Alan Rabinowitz $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Other
8184: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, 2019 Special Kids' Edition
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Special Kids' Edition $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8193: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Fall 2019 Issue
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Fall 2019 Edition $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Other
8194: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2020 Issue
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2020 Issue $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Other
8202: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Fall 2020 Issue
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Fall 2020 Issue $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Brochures
8203: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Summer 2020 Issue
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Summer 2020 Issue $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Brochures
8204: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2021 Issue
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2021 Issue $1 each or 20 for $15
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Brochures
8205: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Special Kids' Edition 2021
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Special Kids' Edition 2021
Unit Cost: $1.00 - Quantity Discount Available
Category/Type: Other / Brochures
8206: Stuttering Foundation Fall 2021 Magazine
Stuttering Foundation Fall 2021 Magazine
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8221: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Spring 2022
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Spring 2022
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8223: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Fall 2022
Stuttering Foundation, Fall 2022
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8224: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2022-2023, 75th Anniversary Edition
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2022-2023, 75th Anniversary Edition
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8225: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Summer 2023, Kids' Letters Edition
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Summer 2023, Kids' Letters Edition
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8226: Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Summer 2023
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Summer 2023
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8227: Stuttering Foundation Fall 2023 Magazine
Fall 2023 Magazine
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: Other / Other
8228: Winter 2024 Kids' Letters Edition
Stuttering Foundation Magazine, Winter 2024 Kids' Letters Edition
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8229: Stuttering Foundation Spring 2024 Magazine
Spring 2024 Magazine
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: Other / Other
8230: 2024 Kids Summer Magazine
2024 Kids Summer Magazine, 32 pages
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Other
8231: Fall 2024 Magazine
Fall 2024 64 page Magazine
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: Other / Other
8232: 2024 Fall Kids Magazine
2024 Fall Kids Magazine
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Merchandise
8233: Stuttering Foundation Winter 2025 Magazine
Winter 2025 Magazine
Unit Cost: $1.00
Category/Type: Other / Other
8500: Alan Rabinowitz: Keynote Address
    In this powerful 22-minute presentation to speech-language pathologists, Alan Rabinowitz discusses how struggling with stuttering shaped his life and his long-time relationship with the endangered species he works to save.
    This intimate look inside the life of one of the world's greatest conservationists is sure to inspire as well as bring a tear to your eye.
    Catching jaguars and tigers, negotiating with presidents and dictators - that's the easy stuff! The challenge for me has been living with the boy who'd come home from school every day and yearn for the darkness and safety of his closet." - Alan Rabinowitz

Unit Cost: $5.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Videos/DVDs
9010: 3 New Products for SLPs Working with School-age Children
Publication No. 9010 includes three new DVDs in a set.

Using Williams' Normal Talking Approach to Help Children Make Speech Change will increase your confidence and flexibility in teaching students to modify their speech behavior! In this 153-minute video, filmed at the Stuttering Foundation's 2014 two-day conference on working with the school-aged child, Dr. Patricia Zebrowski describes how to teach children to make speech change using Dean Williams' Normal Talking Approach as a foundation. Then, Dr. Zebrowski reviews the various speech modification strategies clinicians can use with children who stutter, including what each technique is designed to change within the speech system and how to use apply the technique in therapy. DVD No. 6325

Stuttering: A Clinical Review of the Evidence. In this engaging 77 minute lecture, Dr. Joe Donaher of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia provides a framework for clinicians to view childhood stuttering from an evidence-based perspective. He presents the latest research in stuttering onset and development, genetics, neurophysiology, and speech motor control. He then helps clinicians understand how to apply this information to the children on their caseloads through the use of several case examples, emphasizing the importance of viewing each child as an individual and creating a strong therapeutic alliance. DVD No. 6330

Helping Children Change Thoughts & Feelings About Communication. For many children who stutter, successfully managing communication involves more than just changing speech. During this 2 hour 55 minute DVD, renowned clinician Vivian Sisskin presents a multidimensional approach as a foundation to help children address the thoughts and feelings that sometimes co-exist with stuttering. She offers concrete strategies to help children become more mindful about their communication, to answer others' questions about what stuttering is and why they talk the way they do, and to recognize how their feelings influence their behavior. Additionally, she presents therapy ideas that will assist children in learning to stand up for themselves, to make active choices about speaking situations, plan actions they will take, and take risks. Recommendations for documentation and measurement are also provided. DVD No. 6335
Unit Cost: $40.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9012: Self-Therapy for Those Who Stutter
Based on the best selling book Self-Therapy for the Stutterer by Malcolm Fraser
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: All Ages / Videos/DVDs
9080: Basic Principles of Stuttering Therapy
    Clinicians are still receiving training in the treatment of stuttering by the expert speech language pathologist, Hugo Gregory, Ph.D., through footage shot at Texas Christian University in 1998.
    This DVD is made possible through the tireless efforts of Carolyn Gregory, June Campbell, Diane Hill, Jennifer Watson, and Kristin Chmela. 52-minutes.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9090: Counseling Parents of Children who Stutter - Dr. Patricia Zebrowski
     This 60-minute DVD featuring speech-language pathologist Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., University of Iowa, includes:
  • How to recognize common emotions parents have;
  • How to communicate helpful information to parents;
  • How to assist parents in overcoming anxiety.
     It is an ideal tool for clinicians who work with the school-age child who stutters. The information and practical ideas encompassed in this film ensure that it will be a lasting source of help to school clinicians, parents, teachers and health care professionals.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9122: Counseling: Listening To and Talking With Parents of Children Who Stutter
    Parents play a key role in the treatment of children who stutter. Helping them recognize and cope with their own feelings about their child's stuttering is critical to success in therapy. In this new 50-minute DVD, noted clinicians demonstrate and discuss strategies for counseling parents in all stages of the treatment process as the parent-clinician relationship develops:
  • responding during the critical first contact;
  • maintaining balance through the ups and downs;
  • working with parent groups;
  • helping parents separate their own feelings about stuttering from those of the child's.
    In this DVD you will see key techniques for handling these and other situations demonstrated in actual counseling sessions, followed by expert analysis and advice on tactics you can employ.
    Produced by Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., University of Iowa; Barry Guitar, Ph.D., University of Vermont; and Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., University of Vermont; in collaboration with Diane Hill, M.A., Northwestern University; Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder; and Jane Fraser, president, Stuttering Foundation of America.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9172: Stuttering:For Kids By Kids, also in Spanish
    Meet Swish and his young friends! They talk about stuttering, dealing with teasing, what helps, and how to teach others about stuttering.
    Cartoon animation and real children come together to help other kids who stutter in this lively and engaging 12-minute film.
    Produced by Lisa A. Scott, Ph.D., The Florida State University and Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., University of Vermont; with footage provided by Bill Murphy, M.A., Purdue University and Kristin Chmela, M.A., Northwestern University, in collaboration with Lee Caggiano, M.A., private practice, Joe Donaher, Ph.D., Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and Jane Fraser, Stuttering Foundation of America.
    Animation by the Computer Graphics Technology Department of Purdue University, with special thanks to Dr. Mark Bannatyne, Michelle Jackson, Helen Kang, Ali Modara, and Rich Sun.

    Conoce a Swish y sus amigos jovenes! Ellos hablan como lidiar con la burla y como ensenar a otros sobre la tartamudez. La animacion de cartones y ninos verdaderos que vienen a unirse ayudar a otros ninos que tartamudean unidos en este entretenido video de 12 minutos.
    Stuttering Foundation agradece a May International Productions y la terapeuta del habla Lisette Betancourt, M.A., CCC-SLP y Miami Children's Hospital sus contribuciones de trabajo que permetieron convertir este projecto en realidad.
12 minutos

English and Spanish on this one DVD.
In the role of the school speech pathologist, I used this powerful film as part of an in class (4th & 5th grade) interactive presentation which incorporated student collaboration to increase stuttering knowledge and awareness as well as individual differences and bullying. The response was electric and quite revealing. I highly recommend it. ( It was pre and post approved by the dysfluent students in the classes).
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Childhood Stuttering / Videos/DVDs
9221: Stuttering Modification Techniques-Dr. Hal Starbuck
    This single DVD combining five classic videotapes from the 1970's present clinician Dr. Hal Starbuck using his stuttering modification therapy techniques with a group of teens and young adults.
    Despite the scratchy audio track and grainy visual quality of the tapes, you will learn a great deal from Dr. Starbuck's lucid teaching style.
    His demonstrations of each step of therapy using several individuals who stutter will make it possible for you to develop your own version of stuttering modification therapy from start to finish.
-Barry Guitar, Ph.D.
    DVDs include Identification & Analysis; The Process of Post-Block Correction; The Process of In-Block Correction & Pre-Block Correction; Predetermined Speech, Dismissal and Transfer; and Motivation.
Unit Cost: $20.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9331: Clinical Management of Chronic Stuttering
    This 58 minute DVD features Eugene B. Cooper, Ph.D. and Hugo H. Gregory, Ph.D. in live footage from a 1984 conference, Clinical Management of Chronic Stuttering.
    From the archives of the Stuttering Foundation and despite some granular video quality, these two presentations are sure to enlighten a new generation of therapists.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9501: Stuttering 101
    This 71-minute DVD, featuring speech-language pathologist Barry Guitar, Ph.D., is an ideal tool for clinicians who work with the school-age child who stutters. It includes:
  • What is Stuttering Modification?
  • What Is Fluency Shaping?
  • Elements of Stuttering Modification Key Concepts.
  • Elements of Fluency Shaping Key Concepts.
     This DVD is part of a series of DVDs from the Stuttering Foundation annual conference, Stuttering Therapy: Practical Ideas for the School Clinician.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9502: The School Clinician: Ways to be More Effective
     This 84-minute DVD features speech-language pathologist Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder and includes:
  • Teaching children to identify moments of stuttering;
  • Sequencing therapy in a meaningful way;
  • Developing transfer/maintenance skill.
     It is an ideal tool for clinicians who work with the school-age child who stutters. Part of a series of tapes from the Stuttering Foundation annual conference, Stuttering Therapy: Practical Ideas for the School Clinician.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9503: A Multidimensional Approach to Assessment & Treatment
     This 73-minute DVD featuring speech-language pathologist E. Charles Healey, Ph.D., University of Nebraska, includes:
  • Conceptual Framework for CALMS
  • The CALMS Model for Stuttering
  • The CALMS Rating Scale
  • Case Examples.
  • Bridging the Gap Between Assessment & Treatment
  • Treatment Using the CALMS Model
     It is an ideal tool for clinicians who work with the school-age child who stutters. Part of a series of tapes from the Stuttering Foundation annual conference, Stuttering Therapy: Practical Ideas for the School Clinician. The information and practical ideas encompassed in this film ensure that it will be a lasting source of help to school clinicians, parents, teachers, and health care professionals.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9504: Dealing Effectively With Attitudes and Emotions
     This 79-minute DVD featuring experienced speech-language pathologist Kristin Chmela, M.A., is an ideal tool for clinicians who work with the school-age child who stutters including:
  • Communicating effectively with children;
  • Three Types of Counseling
  • Creating Communicative Space
  • Learning to Conceptualize Cognitive-Affective Topics
  • Assessing the role of a child's emotions/attitudes in the stuttering problem;
  • Helping children develop positive attitudes/emotions.
  • Documenting Your Goals
     Part of a series of DVDs from the Stuttering Foundation annual conference, Stuttering Therapy: Practical Ideas for the School Clinician.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9505: Dealing With Guilt and Shame
     This exciting DVD features Bill Murphy, M.A., Purdue University, on how to cope with shame and guilt including:
  • Why Thoughts and Emotions Are Important;
  • Stuttering Triangle;
  • Essential Tools and Paper and Pencil Tasks
  • Portfolio Assessment
  • Therapy for Reducing Negative Thoughts
  • Shame vs. Guilt
  • Conspiracy of Easy Fluency
  • Keys to Progress
     Part of the DVD series Practical Ideas for the School Clinician.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9506: Stuttering Intervention for Teens
     This 90 minute DVD featuring speech-language pathologist Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., is an ideal tool for clinicians working with adolescents who stutter. It includes:
  • Understanding Adolescence;
  • Getting To Know the Adolescent;
  • Motor Training Skills
  • Mental Training
  • Emotions Related to Stuttering
     Part of the DVD series Practical Ideas for the School Clinician.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9600: Stuttering: Basic Clinical Skills
     This 2+ hour (128 minutes) DVD demonstrates speech management strategies to help you work effectively with children and adults who stutter.

Chapters include:

  • Exploring talking and stuttering;
    • Identification
    • Explore stuttering
    • Explore change
  • Tools for change
    • Soft starts
    • Changing rate
    • Voluntary stuttering
    • Holding and tolerating the moment of stuttering
    • Pullouts
    • Cancellations
  • Making change durable
    • Transfer
    • Disclosure
  • Wrapping things up

Dynamic demonstration of stuttering therapy techniques by experts from around the world:

Ali Biggart, BA (Hons), MSc, Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London; Jane Fry, MSc (psych. Couns.), PGDip, CT (Oxford), Reg MRCSLT, Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London; Willie Botterill, MSc, MRCSLT, Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London; Frances Cook, MSc, MRCSLT (Hons), Cert CT (Oxford), Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London; Barry Guitar, Ph.D., University of Vermont; Alison Nicholas, MSc, MRCSLT, Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London;Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder; Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D., University of Iowa. Additional footage provided by June Campbell, M.A., private practice.

Produced by Carroll Guitar, M.L.S., University of Vermont, in collaboration with Jane Fraser, president of the Stuttering Foundation of America. Video production by Bob O'Brien, Video Design Productions, Inc., Lake Zurich, IL. English material captured by Luke Jeans.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $40.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9700: Cluttering
     This 42 minute DVD demonstrates cluttering and should help you work more effectively with children and adults who clutter.

Chapters include:

  • Most common symptoms of cluttering;
    • Coexisting problems with cluttering
    • Evaluation of cluttering
    • Treatment of cluttering
  • Dynamic demonstration of cluttering therapy techniques by experts:

    Written and narrated by Florence L. Myers, Ph.D., Adelphi University; Kenneth O. St. Louis, Ph.D., West Virginia University.

    ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9720: cluttering: another look
In recent years, many advances have been made in understanding the communication disorder, cluttering. Kathleen Scaler Scott, Ph.D., of Misericordia University helps to clarify prior myths and explain recent research findings about cluttering. She presents the current lowest common denominator definition of cluttering and demonstrates how to apply this definition to assessment, differential diagnosis, and treatment. For clinicians who have been confused about how to identify, assess and treat cluttering, this 76-minute DVD provides practical strategies for understanding and managing complex clients.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9800: Sharpening Counseling Skills
    This exciting 3 hour DVD features renowned audiologist and expert counselor, David M. Luterman, D.Ed.
    Luterman's philosophy of counseling centers around deep listening and silent witnessing of our clients' stories and concerns as we refrain from providing immediate advice, information, or solutions.
    We believe that this film is an important tool for all those in the helping professions.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $10.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9900: Tools for Success: A CBT Taster
    Highlights from a workshop featuring Frances Cook, MSc, MRCSLT (Hons)Cert. CT (Oxford), and Willie Botterill, MSc, (Psych. Couns.), MRCSLT, provide insights into working with the cognitive aspects of stuttering.
    This taster into cognitive behavior therapy explores the interaction of thoughts, feelings, physical reactions and behaviors from the perspectives of children, parents and therapists.
    Ways to use the cognitive model are discussed and demonstrated.
    Produced by the Stuttering Foundation, the new 3 hour 45 minute DVD features Frances Cook, MSc, MRCSLT (Hons)Cert. CT(Oxford), and Willie Botterill, MSc, (Psych. Couns.), MRCSLT.
    Additional Therapy Footage includes Ali Berquez, MSc, MRCSLT Dip. CT (Oxford), Jane Fry, MSc (Psych. Couns).,MRCSLT., Dip.CT (Oxford), and Willie Botterill MSc, (Psych. Couns.), MRCSLT of the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London, England, and Jane Fraser, President, Stuttering Foundation, Memphis, TN
    Special thanks to Boston University and Diane Fillion Parris, M.S., CCC-SLP, Boston University and the 20 Stuttering Foundation Workshop Attendees

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $40.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs
9950: Tools for Success: A Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Taster
    Highlights from a workshop featuring Willie Botterill, MSc, (Psych. Couns.), MRCSLT, and Frances Cook, MSc, MRCSLT (Hons)Cert. CT (Oxford), provide insights into working with Solution-Focused Brief Therapy(SFBT) and stuttering.
    This taster introduces viewers to the principles and practice of SFBT, providing examples of children, parents, and teenagers describing their "best hopes" for the future, using scales to determine the skills and resources they already have to attain that future and identifyiong the small signs of change along the way.
    Produced by the Stuttering Foundation, the new 3 hour 30 minute DVD features Willie Botterill, MSc, (Psych. Couns.), MRCSLT, and Frances Cook, MSc, MRCSLT (Hons)Cert. CT(Oxford).
    Additional Therapy Footage includes Willie Botterill MSc, (Psych. Couns.), MRCSLT of the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children, London, England.
    Special thanks to Boston University and Diane Fillion Parris, M.S., CCC-SLP, Boston University and the 20 Stuttering Foundation Workshop Attendees.

ASHA CEUs for this and other Stuttering Foundation products are available at www.stutteringCEUS.org.
Unit Cost: $40.00
Category/Type: Professional Use / Videos/DVDs