Jane Fraser, president of the Stuttering Foundation, issued the following statement concerning the Cleveland police cadet reportedly prevented from graduating last week due to his stuttering, despite completing his training:
“If press reports out of Cleveland are accurate, we must be very concerned about the chilling effect this sort of decision will have on the stuttering community, especially those seeking employment. Every day, we hear stories of those who stutter being denied gainful employment. In most cases, unfortunately, it is because the potential employer does not understand stuttering.
“Science has taught us that those who stutter are no different than those who speak fluently. We’re heartened by the news that the city of Cleveland is interested in working with this cadet to get him onto the local force where we are confident he will be a valuable member of the team. However, news like this is a stark reminder that we still have many myths and misconceptions that need to be overcome.”
Editor: A great resource is Stuttering: Answer for Employers
Posted Jan. 13, 2015