Go Along on the Journey of the Jaguar! CEO of Panthera and world-renowned big cat expert Alan Rabinowitz, Ph.D.,has been called “The Indiana Jones of Wildlife Conservation” by TIME magazine. When he travels the Journey of the Jaguar, he wears a patch to spread the word about stuttering. Now you too can wear a patch. The high quality, 5 x 2.5-inch patch can be ironed or sewn on. It is embroidered with over 10,000 stitches on a white fabric background with a red hemmed-border. Item No. 0134
T-Shirts Build Awareness
These top quality T-shirts let people know you care about those who stutter — and are doing something to help. Available in adult sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL.
Item No. 0109
Great Way to Cap Off Any Outfit
This white, breathable five-panel poly twill cap provides a fabric that protects your head while providing a comfortable breeze. Embroidered with the Stuttering Foundation logo on the front and the website on the back.
Item No. 0132
Message on the Move
No matter where you travel, this 6 x 3-inch bumper sticker tells others where they can find resources and help. Featuring the Stuttering Foundation’s logo and website, this is removable to protect the finish.
Item No. 0136
Put it in Writing
These quality pencils are perfect to hand out.
Item No. 0236
Posted August 2, 2017