One World, Many Voices: Science and Community is the inaugural Joint World Congress of the International Cluttering Association (ICA), International Fluency Association (IFA) and International Stuttering Association (ISA), with local host organizations the Japan Society of Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders and the Japanese Stuttering Genyukai Organization. This event will be held July 13-16, 2018, in Hiroshima, Japan.
Be sure to visit the Stuttering Foundation's booth during the World Congress!
This exciting new collaboration between the three international organizations, and their Japanese hosts, aims to create an event that will allow everyone – people who stutter and clutter, their families and friends, clinicians, and researchers - to feel welcome, included and valued.
The Inaugural Joint World Congress will be a ground-breaking initiative where historically diverse groups are cooperating effectively to explore experiences of, feelings about, and attitudes towards stuttering and cluttering.
The benefit of this cooperation will be entirely mutual and shared by people who stutter, people who clutter, clinicians, and researchers.