Shady Trails 2014 Reunion

“Shady Trailers, hats off to thee!” 
August 15 ‐17, 2014 

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General information

Autism Spectrum Disorders and Stuttering

If your child is stuttering, treat him as you would any other child: with kindness and respect. Above all, convey total acceptance. Working on communication and fluency skills is a challenge that affects all areas of a child's day; therefore, the child needs as much support, encouragement and acceptance as possible.

Why Me?

The following is Chapter 1 from the book Do You Stutter: A Guide for Teens.
Why Me?
By Richard F. Curlee, Ph.D.

Stuttering Didn't Keep Him Out Of the House

Frank Wolf remembers the moment he wanted to be a Congressman. It was in the third grade in Philadelphia, when schoolmates laughed at the young man who stuttered for dreaming about going to Washington. 

The Other Half – Supporting Partners and Spouses of People Who Stutter

Often under-acknowledged and under-used, partners and spouses of people who stutter play an important role in the “recovery process” of adults who stutter. Recently, I experienced this when my adult client, Joe brought his fiancée to a therapy session with him. It was courageous moment for Joe, to be able to show a different side of him to the person he was going to get married and openness to vulnerability that many would shy away from.

Minding Miss Manners: Advice for Speaking with a Person Who Stutters

This week, the nationally-syndicated advice column “Miss Manners”advised readers on speaking with a person who stutters. Judith Martin, the legendary “Miss Manners” advice columnist since 1978, responded to an inquiry about the proper protocol when speaking with a person who stutters.

Miss Manners Tackles Stuttering

In her nationally syndicated column, Miss Manners responds to a question we get all the time… DEAR MISS MANNERS: What is the proper protocol when speaking with someone who has a stutter? Is it considered helpful or rude to assist him in completing a sentence or question?

Laura Jo McKamey: A Dedicated SLP

Laura Jo McKamey passed away in May. She was killed in a car accident when a semi-truck struck her from behind during a “white out” in Montana. She was a graduate of the Stuttering Foundation’s Eastern and Western workshops.

Buddy Morgan: Perfectionist & Gentleman

Winfred A. “Buddy” Morgan passed away in June. Buddy, as most people called him, directed and produced many of the Stuttering Foundation’s videos. 

Golfers Share Train of Thought: Raising Funds for Stuttering

Kirk and John Tarver and their Memphis-based Shelby Railroad Services Inc. raised more than $10,000 for the Stuttering Foundation.

Around the World

Sometimes I Just Stutter is now available to the 120 million people who speak Swahili thanks to Dieudonne Nsabimana of Kigali, Rwanda. Find out how you can help him spread the word about stuttering. Plus, read more news from around the world...

Materials Fly Off Shelf in Windy City

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association had record attendance at its November convention in Chicago, and the Stuttering Foundation was there to spread the word about stuttering to the nearly 15,000 attendees.

We’re Well Read, Thanks to These Magazines

For decades the Stuttering Foundation has been fortunate to enjoy a warm relationship with publications across the United States and beyond who have faithfully donated advertising space at no charge to this nonprofit organization.

"See Fear as an Opportunity for Growth"

We have to do things because we are afraid. We have to see a situation, recognize our fear, and do it because it scares us. We have to see fear as an opportunity for growth. We have to seek out challenges. Facing our fear with a sense of purpose makes us stronger because it puts us in control of the fear.

Positive Attitude

When I was about five years old, I started to stutter badly. It would take me about five minutes to read a sentence. Going to school made me more afraid to speak. High school was a little better because I had teachers who understood me.

Pediatricians on Board for Early Intervention

Pediatricians from across the country are praising the book, The Child Who Stutters: To the Pediatrician, and new video, 7 Tips for Talking with the Child Who Stutters, from the Stuttering Foundation. 

And Now, a Word About Words!

Several years ago, we published two essays from aspiring young writers. Recently, we caught up with them to see what they are up to. Myles, then a 16-year-old junior in high school, wrote A Word About Stuttering,  and Rachel, then a 17-year-old high school senior wrote Through the Written Word.
