School Therapists Flock to Kansas City
The Kansas City Convention Center was the site of a flurry of activity as the American Speech-Language Hearing Association held its annual Schools 2009 Conference. Because of its ideal placement right at the entrance to the exhibit hall, the Stuttering Foundation booth was busier than ever.
SFA's newest DVD, Tools for Success: A Cognitive Behavior Therapy Taster, was introduced for the first time and quickly became a must-have item.
Presenter Kristin Chmela's SFA workbook, The School-Aged Child Who Stutters: Working Effectively with Attitudes and Emotions, and DVD, Working with Preschoolers Who Stutter: Successful Intervention Strategies also flew off the table in record time.
Foundation anchor, Renee Shepherd said, "It was great to hear from clinicians over and over again how SFA materials are making a huge difference in the lives of the children with whom they work and are yet so affordable."
Because children receive therapy free through the schools, this conference is an especially important one for the Foundation. "Our job is to provide materials that help school clinicians feel competent and comfortable working with children of all ages," added Shepherd.