
libros, folletos y volantes

Esta historia fue escrita por Jamie, una niña de 8 años que tartamudea Spanish translation of Trouble at Recess. Download the PDF.

Mitos, Creencias y RealidadesSpanish translation of Myths, Beliefs & Straight Talk. Download the PDF.

¿Sabías que…? Spanish translation of Did You Know?  Download the PDF.

Tartamudez NeurogénicaSpanish translation of Neurogenic Stuttering. Download the PDF.

¿Por qué ir a terapia del habla? Spanish translation of Why Go to Speech Therapy. Download the PDF.

Tartamudez: Respuestas para los empleadoresSpanish translation of Answers for Employers. Download the PDF.

Trastorno del Espectro del AutismoSpanish translation of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Download the PDF.

Acoso e Intimidación y los Patólogos del Habla-Lenguaje: Mejorando Nuestro Rol como Defensores Spanish translation of Bullying and SLPs. Download the PDF.

¿Cómo saber si usted o alguien más tiene un problema de tartajeo?Spanish translation of Cluttering. Download the PDF.

25 cosas que hubiera deseado saber de la tartamudez cuando tenía 20 Spanish translation of 25 Things I Wish I Had Known About Stuttering When I was 20. Download the PDF.

Trastorno de Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad y la Tartamudez Spanish translation of ADHD and Stuttering. Download the PDF.

Tarjeta de identificación de tartamudeo — Spanish translation of Stuttering ID Card. Download the PDF.

A veces, yo tartamudeo — Spanish translation of Sometimes I Just Stutter. Download the PDF.

7 consejos para hablar con su hijo — Spanish translation of 7 Tips for Talking with Your Child. Download the PDF.

8 Consejos para los Maestros — Spanish translation of 8 Tips for Teachers. Download the PDF.

Mitos sobre tartamudez — Spanish translation of Myths About Stuttering. Download the PDF.

Si Usted Cree Que Su Niño Tartamudea-a Spanish translation of If You Think Your Child Is Stuttering. Download the PDF.

El Niño Que Tartamudea en la Escuela — a Spanish translation of Notes to the Teacher: The Child Who Stutters at School. Download the PDF.

La tartamudez y los niños bilingues — a Spanish translation of Stuttering and the Bilingual Child. Download the PDF.

El Sindrome de Down y la tartamudez — a Spanish translation of Down's Syndrome and Stuttering. Download the PDF.

La tartamudez y el Sindrome de Tourette — a Spanish translation of Stuttering and Tourette's Syndrome. Download the PDF.

Utilizando el Telefono — a Spanish translation of Using the Telephone. Download the PDF.

Como Reaccionar Delante De Una Persona Que Tartamudea —a Spanish translation of 6 Tips for Speaking With Someone Who Stutters. Download the PDF.

¿Tartamudeas?: Una guía para adolescentes Spanish translation of Do You Stutter: A Guide for Teens

Cómo tratar al niño de edad escolar que tartamudea: Una guía para terapistas del lenguaje Spanish translation of Treating the School Age Child Who Stutters: A Guide for Clinicians. Download the PDF.

Mitos sobre tartamudez Spanish translation of Myths About Stuttering. Download the PDF.


7 Consejos para Hablar con el Niño que Tartamudea (Spanish translation of 7 Tips for Talking With the Child Who Stutters)

Tartamudez: Para ninos, Por ninos (Spanish translation of Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids)

La Tartamudez y Su Nino (Stuttering and Your Child: Help for Parents in Spanish)


Consejo de un padre (Spanish Translation of A Father's Advice)

¡MIRA QUIEN HABLA! (Spanish translation of Look Who's Talking: It's Bruce Willis)

(Spanish translation of Calvert Casey article)

** Please visit our Spanish Web site, www.tartamudez.org, and view more Spanish products at our online store.