Reaching Out to Pediatricians from Around the World
By June Campbell, M.A., CCC-SLP, BRSFD
They came from near and far, the young and the old, those unfamiliar with the Stuttering Foundation, and those very knowledgeable about its literature and mission.
Attendees at the American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Conference held in Boston, October 2011, represented fourteen countries and thirty-three states.
“My mother is going to love this. I stutter.” commented a nine-year-old boy as he picked up materials while perusing the exhibits on his own.
One physician stopped by to thank the Foundation for its dedication to educating pediatricians. Others stopped by to discuss children and families they treat, their own stuttering, or stuttering in their immediate family. Many pediatric residents were grateful to receive information that has barely been addressed in their training.
This was the sixteenth year I represented the Stuttering Foundation. I was grateful for the consistently warm welcome, positive responses and desires of the physicians to take the time to study the materials we offered. Many asked questions to improve their own understanding of fluency disorders.
Pediatricians came from 33 states and 14 countries.
-From the Winter 2012 Newsletter