Stuttering Foundation 2011 Western workshopper Katarzyna Wesierska translated the book Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teachers into Polish.
This very attractive book includes the SFA video for teachers with Polish subtitles. In addition to her work on the book and video, Wesierska translated the flyers, Myths About Stuttering, and 8 Tips for Teachers, which are also included in the book.
Katarzyna wrote, “As I promised, the Polish translation of Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teachers was published in time for the Logopedical Prevention in the Educational System Conference held at the University of Silesia. Both the book and the poster were received with great enthusiasm.”
She successfully gained the support of the University for this project. Katarzyna noted, “Wszechnica, the Scientific Society of the University of Silesia, financed the 8 Tips for Teachers poster which will promote the book in the school setting. One thousand copies of the poster were published for circulation.”
–From the Summer 2012 Newsletter