Department of Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NIH Clinical Center

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Researchers at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) are studying



Purpose of these research studies:

  • Determine if brain organization in children and adults who stutter is different from children and adults without a fluency disorder
  • Determine if brain organization changes occurring across development are different in children who stutter compared to children who do not stutter
  • Determine what areas of the brain are associated with fluent speech and disfluent speech in children and adults who stutter

You may qualify if

  • You are between 6 and 65 years of age,
  • You have been having fluency problems (stuttering) for more than six months
  • You are right-handed
  • You are a native monolingual speaker of American English
  • You have permission of one of your parents to participate in this study if you are less than 18 years old

You may not qualify if

  • You are taking medications affecting the central nervous system
  • You have a history of a neurological, hearing, or language disorder/delay
  • You have implanted metal objects or foreign bodies
  • You are pregnant or planning to become pregnant

Place and Time


This outpatient study is located in the Clinical Center at the NIH, Bethesda campus and lasts for a period of 2-4 days for approximately 3-4 hours each day.



Persons admitted for study will have their hotel and travel expenses paid by NIH for the duration of their involvement.?ÿ Participants will also receive compensation for their time and inconvenience.

For more information, please call or write:


(301) 402-0482 or (301) 496-9365

Ask to speak to Dr. Soo-Eun Chang

(re: protocol 00-N-0095)


Soo-Eun Chang, Ph.D., NINDS, NIH, Building 10, Room 5D38, 10 Center Drive MSC 1416, Bethesda, MD 20892-1416.?ÿ Fax: (301) 480-0803