If you are searching through this page, there is a good chance that you are a teen who stutters.  You may have stuttered for some time; and you probably have experienced some level of speech therapy either privately or in the school setting. 

Hopefully, your experiences with therapy have been productive and positive.  Whether they have or not, you are most likely searching for information about yourself and your stuttering.  

This site will allow you to learn more about speech therapy including updating you on new therapy techniques, clinical advances and research findings on stuttering.  You will be able to search for therapists who specialize in stuttering, and you will have access to a great deal of information that will assist you in determining your goals for the future. 

You may be experiencing many conflicts that will certainly affect your therapy and your stuttering.  These issues may include peer pressure, teasing, identity issues and feelings of frustration, anxiety, shame and guilt.

You may be struggling with the fact that you are too old and mature to rely on the therapy methods employed in the past that held your parents responsible for therapy.  However, you may not be fully able to accept complete responsibility for your stuttering and the therapeutic process.  For example, you may still need your parents to help with transportation or the paperwork involved with insurance reimbursement.

Finally, you should be congratulated for seeking more information about your stuttering.  Knowledge is power and increasing your understanding and awareness of stuttering will allow you to make better decisions regarding what you and your family need for the future.