Continued from Developmental Stuttering Curriculum Outline (Click Here to Return)


1. Goals of assessment 
    a. Purpose of assessment [why is the client/family coming to you?] 
    b. Generating diagnostic questions [what do you want to learn from the client/family?] 
2. Interviewing/Case history 
    a. Key questions [Eliciting the client’s/family’s narrative/story] 
    b. Fundamentals of counseling during interviewing 
3. Assessment measures/tools 
    a. Pre-assessment measures 
    b. (Non)Standardized assessment

RESOURCES [see others in Treatment Core]: 

Streaming Videos:  

Assessing Preschoolers for Stuttering (Ellen M. Kelly)

Scoring Disfluencies* (Diane Parris) 


    c. Assessment of related areas/concerns/developmental milestones/abilities 
4. Differential diagnosis 
5. Prognosis 
    a. Readiness for change 
    b. Support networks 
    c. Preschool prognosis for recovery vs. persistence 
6. Recommendations 
    a. Next steps for client/family 
    b. Referrals 
7. Follow-Up

Streaming Video: 

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