• Fund-raiser Runs at Full Steam to Make Record Gift to Foundation

    Kirk and John Tarver and their Memphis-based Shelby Railroad Services Inc. raised an astonishing $11,000 for the Memphis-based Stuttering Foundation.

  • Fund-raiser Runs at Full Steam to Make Record Gift to Memphis Foundation

    Contact: Greg Wilson

    Photo caption: John Tarver (second from left) and Kirk Tarver (second from right) of Shelby Railroad Services Inc. with Stuttering Foundation staff members Susie Hall (from left), Terri Jones, and Pat Hamm.
  • Camps With a Purpose

    Camp Shout Out Soared to New Heights

  • Meet Board Member Alan Rabinowitz

    Alan Rabinowitz, Ph.D., passed away in 2018. He served on the Stuttering Foundation Board of Directors. As one of the world’s leading big cat experts, he was called ‘The Indiana Jones of Wildlife Conservation’ by TIME magazine. 
  • Hoagland: Writing Wild

    The fascinating career of Edward Hoagland, novelist and nature writer was featured in the April 9th, 2012, Wall Street Journal article “Tracking the naturalist.” The article shed light on Hoagland’s amazing exploits that fueled his conservation writing for almost sixty years. The 79 year-old writer said, “Our world is being destroyed in a quiet holocaust. It’s up to us to say what we have to say while we can still do so.”
  • New Website Unveiled

    After months of research, designing, brainstorming, and hard work, the Stuttering Foundation’s new website, www.StutteringHelp.org, went live Saturday July 28. 
    “We are excited to bring a new and improved resource to the public,” said Jane Fraser, president of the Stuttering Foundation. 
  • Looper Takes the Stuttering Out of Willis' Childhood

    Sept. 28, 2012 — Today marks the long awaited U.S. release of the movie Looper starring Bruce Willis. In this futuristic action thriller set in 2044, Bruce Willis’ character encounters a 25 year-old incarnation of himself, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who has been contracted to kill him.

  • Vertigo Named Best Movie of All-Time

    On Aug. 1, 2012, the 1958 classic Hitchcock thriller Vertigo was named the best movie of all-time, ending the 50 year run of Orson Welles’ debut movie Citizen Kane. Sight & Sound, a magazine published by the British Film Institute, surveys top international film critics every decade.

  • Bullying and SLPs: Enhancing Our Roles as Advocates

    By Gordon W. Blood, Ph.D.
    Penn State University
  • Adolescent Siblings Survey

    Participant Criteria: Families with 2 children, both children must be between the ages of 12 and 18

    Description: We are interested in how having a brother or sister impacts adolescents. We invite parents and siblings to fill out an online survey. Families with and without children with disabilities are welcome to participate.
