Back to School, Not to Stuttering

Being a high school senior, I’ve faced plenty of back-to-school days, which can be filled with energy and joy of seeing old friends and taking new classes, but also with anxiety of returning to a place filled with need to talk to speak a lot.

5 TED Talks for People Who Stutter

I don’t know about you, but I love a good TED talk. There are some brilliant minds around the world and it is inspiring to listen to people talk about something they are so passionate about.

One-Stop Shopping for Stuttering

For Immediate Release
Contact: Greg Wilson

Free Teacher & Parent Resources for Back-to-School Days 

James Rodriguez is a Star

The breakout star of World Cup 2014 hands down has been Colombia’s sensation James Rodriguez. Only 22 years old and in his first World Cup, some pro soccer commentators see him as the next superstar.

Marathon Golfer Raises $2,600; Golfs 126 Holes in Support of the Stuttering Foundation

For Immediate Release
Contact: Greg Wilson
Photo caption: Matthew Sander at the Ballyneal Golf Club in Holyoke, Colo., during the Hundred Hole Hike. Download picture

Stuttering Gets Congress’ Attention

Congressman Frank Wolf gave a speech on the House floor about the challenges he and other people who stutter face.

Popular Workbook Now Available in Polish

The School-Age Child Who Stutters: Working Effectively with Attitudes and Emotions has been translated into Polish thanks to the tireless efforts of Katarzyna Wesierska. 

Materials Make a Difference Around the World

Here are two letters we recently received from other countries:

Teens Speak Up

Back in May, I facilitated a weeklong intensive course for 13-17 year olds who stutter. Four boys from various parts of New Zealand signed up for a course I based on what I observed at the Michael Palin Centre last summer.

Book Helps Students Open Up

Addressing students about their stuttering is one of the hardest tasks for me to do. Maybe it is because I am new to the field. I do not have the perfect words to say or a script to memorize. I’ve learned that you have to approach every student differently. That goes for any child – even those who do not stutter. Nobody is the same. I love that!

Face Your Fears

An excerpt of chapter 20 from Advice to Those Who Stutter
By Sol Adler

Shane Garcia: Dance is My Language

In 2013, reality TV shared with us several talented artists who are also persons who stutter. American Idol’s Lazaro Arbos was a huge favorite among our Facebook friends while Harrison Craig of The Voice – Australia came in first place. Today’s Q&A Spotlight is on Shane Garcia, a contestant from Florida on Fox’s So You Think You Can Dance.

“Everytime You Go Away” from the 1980s Still a Hit Today

As is evident from the Stuttering Foundation’s list of Famous People Who Stutter, there is no shortage of U.S.-based singers who have achieved success. Across the pond in the UK, there also seem to be notable entertainers who have used singing to break free of their stuttering bonds. Take British rock performer Paul Young. He was highly successful in the ’80s.

Stuttering Foundation Announces 2014 Journalism Award Winners

For Immediate Release

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (May 27, 2014) — The Stuttering Foundation,, announced the winners of its 2014 Awards for Excellence in Journalism today. 

Original Cause of Your Stuttering

An excerpt from the book Self-Therapy for the Stutterer by Malcolm Fraser

Jane Fraser

Jane Fraser, Hon. FRCSLT, serves as the president of The Stuttering Foundation of America, a position she has held since 1981. The oldest and largest nonprofit organization for the prevention and treatment of stuttering, the Foundation has grown tremendously in size, scope and outreach under her leadership and direction. 

Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning by The Stuttering Foundation is an online series of free, interactive workshops with a variety of offerings for speech-language pathologists, parents, and individuals who stutter.

Catchy Phrase Has Deep Roots for Stuttering Community

Keep Calm and Carry On. We’re sure you’ve seen it on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter or even Instagram. It’s a catchy meme. It seems to be a phrase to which many persons who stutter can relate. Its first appearance wasn’t on a Droid RAZR  or a Macbook Pro but in London during a time of great panic and uncertainty. And it has deep roots in the stuttering community.
