Teaching Others

One way you can teach your friends about stuttering is to have your speech therapist or your classroom teacher help you make a presentation about stuttering. Lots of kids we know have used classroom presentations to teach others about stuttering, so we thought we would share a few tips from them on things you can do in your own presentation.

Tips for Classroom Presentations

Insurance Coverage

Obtaining Reimbursement for Stuttering Treatment

Approximately three million children and adults in the U.S. stutter. This guide provides suggestions and resources for obtaining payment for the treatment of stuttering.

1. Will my health plan cover stuttering treatment?

Survey- Stuttering Holds Workers Back

Stuttering holds workers back, survey shows

A newly released survey by Professor Marshall Rice of the Schulich School of Business at York University, Toronto, found 51 percent of respondents ' all of whom stutter ' believe they would have a better job if they didn't have the disorder.



Clinical Trials

The Stuttering Foundation has been apprised of clinical trials of the new drug Pagoclone were conducted at 16 investigational sites nationwide for patients with persistent developmental stuttering.


Please note that some of our older newsletters below have outdated contact information. Here is our current information: 
The Stuttering Foundation
P.O. Box 11749
Memphis, TN 38111-0749

Eastern Workshop attendees quotes

Eastern Workshop attendees were contacted six months after their 5-day training to see how each of them is using their training in working with people who stutter. Here's what they had to say: 

alt text

Therapy Outcomes

Within the field of speech-language pathology and even among those who stutter, there is disagreement about acceptable treatment outcomes from stuttering therapy. Some believe the only acceptable therapy outcome is a significant reduction in or total elimination of stuttering. Others believe that speech which contains some stuttering, as long as the stuttering has become less tense and effortful, is just as acceptable.


Stuttering Foundation resources translated into other languages...

Explaining Stuttering

Children are often very curious and may ask why they stutter. It can be difficult to know how to respond to a question like this because we may worry that we will say the wrong thing. However, we find that many children feel a sense of relief when an adult takes this question seriously, is honest with them about what is happening when they talk, and explains why they talk differently from others.

Dear Teacher

Dear Teacher,

You are asked to read this because you have a child in your class who stutters. Stuttering changes from moment to moment and is different in each child. That makes it difficult to deal with. Quite possibly the stuttering of this particular child is no problem for you or for any of the other children. But it is also possible that the other children react to the stuttering and that you yourself are not always sure how best to handle the problem.

Therapy In Action DVD - Press Release

Contact: Jane Fraser
(202) 686-4494

New Videotape/DVD Addresses School-age
Children's Concerns about Stuttering

Stuttering is a frustrating and embarrassing problem for millions of people, but it can be especially tough on elementary school-age children.
