Tiger Woods Wins at Golf and stuttering

Tiger wins at golf and stuttering


Top-ranked golfer Tiger Woods tells CBS's 60 Minutes that it takes hard work and a competitive spirit to overcome childhood stuttering.

 "The words got lost, you know, somewhere between the brain and the mouth. And it was very difficult, but I fought through it. I went to a school to try and get over that, and I just would work my tail off," Woods told the news program.

Discovering Fluency through Technology

I have stuttered for 53 years. I have never liked it. Hundreds of times I have cursed it.

Throughout my life, I tried a variety of therapies and devices to assist me achieve fluent speech. The therapies worked briefly. Their effectiveness collapsed because I lacked the discipline to carry through on the therapies.

Iowa Workshop

Iowa Workshop Sizzles!

alt textBy Patricia Zebrowski, Ph.D.
University of Iowa

Panthera Awards

Stuttering Foundation spokesman and conservationist Alan Rabinowitz, actress Glenn Close, and former Assistant Secretary of State Claudia McMurray were on hand for the annual Panthera Conservation Advisory Committee reception in honor of Carlos Manuel Rodriquez of Costa Rica whose visionary policies helped secure crucial habitat for jaguars.

British Stammering =- 10 Downing Street

Number 10 ... Again

Stuttering Foundation President Jane Fraser was the only American at a reception in honor of the British Stammering Association at 10 Downing Street on Dec. 1.

SFA headlines Wallace's Columns

SFA headlines Dr. Wallace's columns


Dr. Robert Wallace's syndicated column, "TWEEN 12 & 20," which reaches millions of readers, has referred to The Stuttering Foundation twice during the past month.


Excellent Reporting: Media Awards

Excellent Reporting Recognized

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For the 14th year, the Stuttering Foundation recognizes the importance of the media in raising awareness about stuttering and what can be done to help.

Stuttering Didn't Stop Rob Love

Stuttering Didn't Bench Bob Lovealt text

NBA All-Star Bob Love will lead the 2007 campaign for NationalStuttering Awareness Week, May 14-20.

Love knows first-hand the experiences of someone who stutters. Hehas overcome considerablefrustrations and setbacks since his gloryyears with the Chicago Bulls.

Donations - Malcom Fraser society

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Malcolm Fraser, founder
of the Stuttering Foundation.

The Malcolm Fraser Society

By Don Lineback
Furman University
and SFA Board Member
