Libraries - Mariana Islands

The list below is in alphabetical order by city of libraries that shelve SFA materials. If your local library is not listed here, let them know that we will ship materials to them free of any charges. The material in each library is indicated on the last line. Please see our product list for detailed descriptions.

Libraries - Virgin Islands

The list below is in alphabetical order by city of libraries that shelve SFA materials. If your local library is not listed here, let them know that we will ship materials to them free of any charges. The material in each library is indicated on the last line. Please see our product list for detailed descriptions.

Libraries - US Servicemen

The list below is in alphabetical order by city of libraries that shelve SFA materials. If your local library is not listed here, let them know that we will ship materials to them free of any charges. The material in each library is indicated on the last line. Please see our product list for detailed descriptions.

Libraries - Puerto Rico

The list below is in alphabetical order by city of libraries that shelve SFA materials. If your local library is not listed here, let them know that we will ship materials to them free of any charges. The material in each library is indicated on the last line. Please see our product list for detailed descriptions.

Libraries - Canada

The list below is in alphabetical order by city of libraries that shelve SFA materials. If your local library is not listed here, let them know that we will ship materials to them free of any charges. The material in each library is indicated on the last line. Please see our product list for detailed descriptions.

Finding Help

by Lisa A. Scott, Ph.D.

Q: How can you tell if your child has a stuttering problem?
A: If your child has been stuttering for only a few days or weeks, it’s very alarming but it is probably best to wait to see how the stuttering changes. Waiting a month or two does not seem to affect how well your child will respond to later treatment and you might be surprised at how quickly the stuttering goes away.

The Child Who Stutters: To the Pediatrician

Most children go through periods of disfluency as they learn to speak. Some will experience mild stuttering, and for others the difficulty will become severe. Early intervention by the pediatrician can help parents understand and thus minimize the problem.

Junior Spokesperson Lights the Way

We’ve been keeping up with our energetic and dedicated friend from Kansas, Eva Woolwine.

As reported in our Summer 2005 Newsletter, she was off to the  Miss Kansas pageant (June 5 – 12) to compete with stuttering awareness and education as her platform. As a person who stutters herself since early childhood, Eva is passionate about clearing up  misconceptions regarding stuttering.

Bar Mitzvah Gifts Make a Difference

Dylan Levin of Chicago wanted to do something special for his Bar Mitzvah in March.

In lieu of gifts, he asked his guests to donate to the Stuttering Foundation.

Dylan, who has had a speech disfluency since he was 5 years old, says he feels connected to the Stuttering Foundation and wanted to help others.

Documentary Shares Bob Love's Story

Bob Love has dreamt about being a great public speaker since his early days in Bastrop Louisiana, even though, as a young man,  he could barely put two words together, let alone speak a full sentence.

Rocket Science Blasts Off

Peter Reitzes, M.A., CCC-SLP, shares his comments on the new film Rocket Science not only as a speech pathologist, but also as a person who stutters. His insights may provide direction for those who want to see this film.

Jigger Continues to Spread the Word

Our favorite unofficial ambassador, Leon “Jigger” Sirois (see Summer 2007 SFA Newsletter) continues to tirelessly heighten awareness of the Stuttering Foundation and the resources and help that are available.

Sometimes I Stutter

By Robert J. Heemstra
Plymouth, Pa.

Sometimes I stutter
people may look at me strange
but do they know me?

They hear my stutter
but I am much more than that
Please listen to me

Please don’t look away
Because of my stuttering
Don’t judge me by that ...

Sporty Readers Win

In the winter newsletter we asked readers to guess who was added to the Famous People brochure. The answer, of course, is Darren Sproles.

The first three winners were given T-shirts. The winners are Juanita Sirois of Williamsburg, Va., Julie Peters of Asland, Va., and Linda Wyatt of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Camp Our Time

Camp Our Time is a sleep-away camp for kids who stutter, their young family members, and friends, ages 8-18.  At Camp Our Time, kids who stutter come together from around the nation to gain confidence, validation, and encouragement to pursue their dreams.  Our Time helps campers communicate effectively, engage socially, and succeed at school and in their everyday liv

Through the Written Word

My name is Rachel. I'm a 17-year-old student from Springfield, Tennessee, and I've had a stutter for as long as I can remember.
