A Third Generation view of the King

By Jean Gruss

Editor’s Note: Jean Gruss, the author of this article, is the grandson of Stuttering Foundation founder Malcolm Fraser and Mark Logue is the grandson of Lionel Logue.

For decades, Lionel Logue’s name was an obscure footnote in biographies of British King George VI.

But thanks to his grandson and a blockbuster movie, he’s quickly become the most famous speech therapist in history.

Stuttering Foundation Gets Starring Role on The King's Speech DVD

While the Oscar-winning movie The King’s Speech is universally treasured by the stuttering community, there is a hidden gem on the DVD and Blu-ray editions released in mid-April.

The King's Speech

Reviewed by John M. Williams

I was very slow to see the movie The King’s Speech. I had wanted to see it for many months after I read my first review in late 2010. I am overjoyed with having seen it. It is a movie I will watch many times. I enjoyed it that much.

As I watched the movie, I drew many parallels between the sometimes despicable ways speech therapists and others treated the future King and me.

Stuttering: The Heartless Enemy of Communication

By Ed Arrington

Many years ago when I was in the Air Force, stationed in San Antonio, Texas, I went through a traumatic, distressing, and humiliating experience.

The Stuttering Foundation Receives a Helping Hand

Behind the scenes of some of our King's Speech media exposure

Oprah, Forbes Feature Stuttering Foundation

The Stuttering Foundation's Memphis office was flooded with calls after the April 9th issue of Forbes featured a full-page public service ad on page 103. ThenOprah Magazine ran a full-page PSA on page 99 in the May issue to trumpet National Stuttering Awareness Week. Ads also ran in AARP, Seventeen, andRedbook

Former Hockey Player Inspires On and Off the Ice

Dave Taylor has been on the SFA’s list of  “Famous People Who Stutter” for many years, but probably few people know all of the unique accomplishments of this former hockey great who was born on December 4, 1955, in Levack, Ontario.

Singer Withers Overcame Stuttering

While Bill Withers has long been on the SFA list of “Famous People Who Stutter,” many people probably didn’t realize he stuttered. He passed away March 30, 2020.

The April/May 2006 issue of the magazine Waxpoetics sheds some light on the brilliant career of the famed singer and songwriter.

Born in 1938 in Slab Fork, W.V., Withers was the youngest of six children. When his father died when Withers was small, he was raised by his mother and grandmother, both of whom worked as domestics.

Eric and Julia Roberts Share Many Things: Including Stuttering

Eric and Julia Roberts are a brother-and-sister act that is unique in the world of acting. They are only the third brother-and-sister act to be both nominated for Oscars for acting. Eric was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for his 1985 role in Runaway Train.

I Kid You Not! Paar is an Inspiration to Others

While Jack Paar is among the most prominent of the entertainers on the Stuttering Foundation’s list of Famous People Who Stutter, he deserves special recognition as he was among the first to openly address his stuttering in public. As host of “The Tonight Show” from 1957-1962, he spoke of his difficulties as a stuttering child and teenager, giving hope to young people.

BTO's Song is Unique

Editor’s Note:  The author is a person who stutters. For many years he has been a collector of “stuttering” songs – the good and the bad!

Blues Legends Have Many Things in Common

B.B. King

B.B. King and John Lee Hooker have much in common. Born in Mississippi only a few years apart, both are considered among the best blues guitarists of all-time. Both King and Hooker have been inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. However, what the public may not know is that they have another thing in common: stuttering.

An Interview with Actor Eric Roberts

Q: At what age do you remember first being aware that you spoke differently?
A: I can’t remember not being aware. In school, when we used to go around the table, each reading a paragraph, I’d count ahead and try to memorize my paragraph.

An Almost Famous Singer

While the SFA’s Web site list of Famous People Who Stutter includes many high-profile names, we like to think that every person who stutters is unique in their own right.

One person who stutters who unfortunately never became famous was Rory Storm.

Hip Hop Rap Artist Finds His Voice

An interview with Travis Kruck

Look Who's Talking*

*Bruce Willis starred in the 1989 movie Look Who's Talking as the voice of baby "Mikey." 
While the world knows Bruce Willis as an A-list actor, few know that he struggled with stuttering throughout his first 20 years.

Stuttering Didn't Silence the News

Byron Pitts has brought much attention to stuttering with his memoir, Step Out on Nothing: How Faith and Family Helped Me Conquer Life’s Challenges,released in September, 2009. The book not only details his speech difficulties, but also his illiteracy until age 12 and his unstable family life. Pitts overcame the odds to become a national correspondent with CBS News.

Lewis Carroll

The recent Disney version of Lewis Carroll’s classic, Alice in Wonderland, garnered a great deal of media hype. Even though the mainstream media has not made mention that Carroll was a person who stuttered, his family history gives credence to the discovery of the genetic link to stuttering. Carroll was born to parents who were first cousins; almost all of their eleven children, three girls and seven boys, struggled with stuttering past childhood.

Famous Brothers Didn't Let Stuttering Stop Them

Brothers Dominick and John Gregory Dunne, who died in 2009 and 2004 respectively, are well known as having been famous writers and literary giants.

What the public at large does not realize is that both Dominick Dunne and his younger brother John Gregory not only struggled with stuttering but also were quite open about it.

Who Knew? Mr. Bean?

When moviegoers in the U.S. saw the television ads for the October 21, 2011, release of the new Rowan Atkinson movie Johnny English Reborn, few, if any, knew that Atkinson, most famous for his character Mr. Bean, is a person who stuttered. Unlike some other famous actors, Rowan Atkinson’s stutter is not widely known. However, stuttering still is a factor in his life.

Shelby Railroad on Track for Stuttering

Kirk and John Tarver and their Memphis-based Shelby Railroad Services Inc. raised a record $7,000 to help those who stutter.

Jane Fraser and Susie Hall were in attendance to receive this outstanding gift.

The annual Tin-Cup Tournament took place on October 7 at Wedgewood Golf Club in Olive Branch, Miss.

Meaningful Bar Mitzvah Project Benefits All

Josh Cohen of Cherry Hill, N.J., wanted to do something special for his Bar Mitzvah last October. In fact, his plans had been in the works since the spring time.

It was the Bar Mitzvah requirement to complete a personally meaningful project of community benefit that inspired Jo
