Stuttering Foundation and Michael Palin Centre Laud The King's Speech During New York City Gala

The following remarks were given by Jane Fraser at the Stuttering Foundation’s first-ever New York City Gala.

This incredible movie and its superb portrayal of King George VI by Colin Firth have truly turned our world upside down.

So tonight, we honor this exceptional film that has brought so much help to so many.

Stuttering and the Big Cats is an Inspirational Story

Editor’s Note: The new DVD Stuttering and the Big Cats featuring Alan Rabinowitz was unveiled during the New York gala.

Two Meaningful Bequests

Gifts totaling more than $92,000 were received this year from the estates of two exceptional donors, Charles A. Wunder and Louise Cook Holmes.

Stuttering to the Top of the Charts

The Stuttering Foundation has recognized the song You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet, a 1974 number one hit by Bachman-Turner Overdrive, as being the most unique of the many rock songs featuring stuttering vocals.

Stuttering Foundation Earns Eight Awards for Website

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The nonprofit Stuttering Foundation is the recipient of eight Parent to Parent Awards for its Website,, which attracts millions of visitors each month from around the world. The Website offers free resources for those who stutter, their families, and professionals working with those who stutter.

Meet Board Member Joe Fulcher

Joe Fulcher plays a valuable role in the smooth operations and financial excellence of the Stuttering Foundation. Since 1984 he has served in the roles of Vice President, and Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. He also serves on the annual Audit Committee.

His dedication to his work with SFA is an example to the entire board and staff.

7 Начина на који Можете Помоћи Детету Које Муца

1 Говорите са Bашим дететом без  журбе,  са честим паузама.  Чекајте неколико секунди после тога што Bаше дете заврши говор и пре него што Bи почнете да говорите.  Ваш сопствени  спор, опуштен начин говора ће бити далеко више ефикасан него било каква критика или савет, као на пример “успори”  или  “покушај опет спорије.” 

7 Načina na koji Možete Pomoći Detetu Koje Muca

sastavljeno od strane Beri Gitar, Doktor Filozofije

i Eduard Đ. Kantur, Doktor Filozofije

1 Govorite sa Vašim detetom bez  žurbe,  sa čestim pauzama.  Čekajte nekoliko sekundi posle toga što Vaše dete završi govor i pre nego što Vi počnete da govorite.  Vaš sopstveni   spor, opušten način govora će biti daleko više efikasan nego bilo kakva kritika ili savet, kao na primer “uspori”  ili  “pokušaj opet sporije.” 

6 Saveta Za Razgovor Sa Osobom Koja Muca

Mucanje može izgledati kao lak problem koji može da se reši sa nekim jednostavnim savetom,  ali za mnoge odrasle osobe  ono može biti hronični  životni problem.  Evo nekih načina na koji Vi,  kao slušalac,  možete pomoći.

1..  Nemojte izgovarati komentare kao:  “Uspori,”  “Udiši,”  ili  “Opusti se.”  Takve proste  poruke  mogu se doživeti  kao  ponižavajuće a ne kao korisne. 

6 Савета За Разговор Са Особом Која Муца

1..  Немојте изговарати коментаре као:  “Успори,”  “Удиши,”  или  “Опусти се.”  Такве просте  поруке  могу се доживети  као  понижавајуће а не као корисне.  

2..  Дај те особи до знања, по вашем начину понашања, да ви слушате то што он или она говори-  а не дајете пажњу на начин на који се изговарају речи.

3..  Одржите природан контакт са очима и чекајте стрпљиво и природно док особа заврши реченице.

NSSLHA Loves the SFA

The Stuttering Foundation is this year’s recipient of the student-led fundraising campaign organized each year by the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association. See donations below. 

Tireless SFA Ambassador Woos Oprah

By Joan Warner

Like David Seidler said in his Oscar acceptance speech for The King’s Speech - “We have a voice. We have been heard”- Stuttering Foundation friend, patron, and unofficial Public Library Ambassador Leon ‘Jigger’ Sirois has been espousing that sentiment for years. Tirelessly working with his late-in-life found fluency on behalf of the Stuttering Foundation and all people who stutter, he too says we can be heard.

An Eloquently Golden Ride on the Red Carpet

"We have a voice. We have been heard."
David Seidler, while accepting his Oscar for The King's Speech

A Third Generation view of the King

By Jean Gruss

Editor’s Note: Jean Gruss, the author of this article, is the grandson of Stuttering Foundation founder Malcolm Fraser and Mark Logue is the grandson of Lionel Logue.

For decades, Lionel Logue’s name was an obscure footnote in biographies of British King George VI.

But thanks to his grandson and a blockbuster movie, he’s quickly become the most famous speech therapist in history.
