Stuttering Foundation Explores Genetic Research at New York City Gala

Dr. Dennis Drayna, NIDCD, Explores Developments
in Genetics and Neuroscience of Stuttering


Contact: Greg Wilson

Stuttering Foundation Launches New Website

Greg Wilson

MEMPHIS, TENN. (May 1, 2019) —With nearly 100 million visitors each year and inquiries from more than 137 countries around the world, the Stuttering Foundation’s website has become the leading global source of information on stuttering.

Francine du Plessix Gray

Francine du Plessix Gray was a French-American writer known for being a “Jane of all trades,” writing everything from fiction to reports to literary essays and numerous biographies. However, she was never fond of this title. In a 1982 piece with The New York Times Book Review in which she was tasked with describing her development as a writer, Mrs. Gray provided a harsh self-assessment.

Kimberly Garvin

Kimberly Garvin is a 5th grade English teacher, manager of her son’s non-profit Lllet Me Finish, and a published author of both adult fiction and children’s literature. Kimberly is a mother of two, Sydni who lives in Atlanta, and Saadiq who lives with her (and Charlie Brown, their dog) in New Jersey. 

Saadiq Wicks

At just 9 years old, Saadiq Wicks started his foundation Lllet Me Finish. By age 13, he was on his way to becoming a published author. Now he’s working on a sequel to his book When Oliver Speaks while finishing his junior year of high school.

Classroom Presentation

Sample of a classroom presentation on stuttering (PowerPoint file) by Loryn McGill

Checklist for clinicians to determine if a student is at a therapeutic level for a self-disclosure classroom presentation (PDF file) by Loryn McGill

The Teacher Who Made a Difference

The Teacher Who Made a Difference



The Teacher Who Made a Difference by Corinne M. Litzenberg is now available as a free download.

Popular Book Now Available Free

Contact: Jane Fraser

The Darwin Family

Generations of Genius and Stuttering

Over the years, many Celebrity Corner articles in our newsletter have profiled people who stutter who have family members who also stutter, which of course is a strong testament to the genetic basis of stuttering. For instance, Lewis Carroll had ten siblings, eight of whom stuttered into adulthood.
